




Assuming two types of classes, one (A) "isManagedBy" by the other (B). The following owl snipped illustrates this scenario. There are multiple classes of type A (which are "managed by" other classes) and multiple classes of B. In fact, there is also a hierarchy between between classes bot of type A and B.

<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="#isManagedBy"/>

<owl:Class rdf:about="#FunctionManagement">
 <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="..."/>
    <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#isManagedBy"/>
    <owl:someValuesFrom rdf:resource="#SymposiumPlanner2013"/>

<owl:Class rdf:about="#SymposiumPlanner2013"/>


Problem: Get all classes of type B given an arbitrary class A.


Idea: Iterate over all classes of type B. For each class B, check whether a given A has an ObjectProperty "isManagedBy" (directly or inherited) to class B by using a Reasoner's isSatisfiable() method.

OWLObjectProperty objProp = df.getOWLObjectProperty(IRI.create("#isManagedBy"));
OWLClassExpression expression;
for (OWLClass B : SetOfAllBs) {
 expression = df.getOWLObjectIntersectionOf(A, df.getOWLObjectSomeValuesFrom(objProp, B));
 if (reasoner.isSatisfiable(expression)) {
   // do something


Unfortunately, the reasoner returns satisfiable for all classes of type B.


Question: How to solve this problem?



I can suggest two solutions to your problem:

  1. 遍历所有B,但要检查B的可满足性A and (isManagedBy only (not B)).如果某些B无法满足此表达式,则必须通过isManagedBy将此类B与给定的A连接.

  1. Go through all Bs, but instead check satisfiability ofA and (isManagedBy only (not B)). If this expression is unsatisfiable for some B, then such B has to be connected with a given A via isManagedBy.

如果使用FaCT ++进行推理,则可以使用OWLKnowledgeExplorerReasoner界面浏览在对类A进行满意度检查时生成的模型.想法是,如果模型中存在这样的B,则它必须连接到A.存在一些限制(它可能不适用于通过EquivalentClasses(B,...)定义的B,对于不确定的标签并不总是正确的(请参见getObjectLabel()调用中的flag true) ,但这是个主意.代码可能像这样:

If you are using FaCT++ for reasoning, you can use the OWLKnowledgeExplorerReasoner interface to explore the models produced during the satisfiability check of a class A. The idea is that if such B present in the model, then it has to be connected to A. There are some limitations (it might not work for Bs defined via EquivalentClasses(B,...), it is not always true for non-deterministic labels (see flag true in the getObjectLabel() call), but here is an idea. The code might looks like:

OWLReasoner factplusplus = new FactPlusPluReasonerFactore().createReasoner(o);
OWLKnowledgeExplorerReasoner ke = (OWLKnowledgeExplorerReasoner) factplusplus;
RootNode nodeForA = ke.getRoot(A);
for (RootNode filler: ke.getObjectNeighbours(nodeForA, isManagedBy))
    for (OWLClassExpression cls: ke.getObjectLabel(filler,true)
        if ( SetAllBs.contains(cls) )
            /* cls is what you are looking for */


08-21 18:20