For the following code I wanted to know the reason behind this behavior in an ES6 Class:
class One {
//why the following code is not allowed.
let check = false;
const PI = 3.14;
var v = 'Hello';
//why the following code is allowed.
chk = false;
Pi = 3.14;
vv = "Hi";
I know I can write code like below but I wanted to know the real reason behind the above code.
class Sample {
constructor(x, y) {
this.x= x;
this.y= y;
class One {
//why the following code is not allowed.
let check = false;
const PI = 3.14;
var v = 'Hello';
//why the following code is allowed.
chk = false;
Pi = 3.14;
vv = "Hi";
Actually, neither of those is legal javascript currently. The latter is an example of class fields, which is currently a stage 3 proposal, so it will eventually be legal syntax. With a transpiler, you can use that syntax right now and the transpiler will move the code into the constructor.
class One {
chk = false;
Pi = 3.14;
vv = "Hi";
class One {
constructor() {
this.chk = false;
this.Pi = 3.14;
this.vv = "Hi";