


I'd like the root environment of conda to copy all of the packages in another environment. How can this be done?



There are options to copy dependency names/urls/versions to files.


通常,在新环境中工作比更改root更安全.但是,在尝试更改之前,请考虑备份现有环境.通过在演示环境中测试这些命令来验证所需的结果.例如,要备份您的root env:

Normally it is safer to work from a new environment rather than changing root. However, consider backing up your existing environments before attempting changes. Verify the desired outcome by testing these commands in a demo environment. To backup your root env for example:

λ conda activate root
λ conda env export > environment_root.yml
λ conda list --explicit > spec_file_root.txt


选项1 -YAML文件

在第二个环境(例如myenv)中,将名称 导出到yaml文件:

Within the second environment (e.g. myenv), export names to a yaml file:

λ activate myenv
λ conda env export > environment.yml

然后更新带有Yaml文件的第一个环境 (例如root):

λ conda env update --name root --file environment.yml

选项2 -克隆环境

Option 2 - Cloning an environment

使用 --clone 标志以克隆环境(请参见@DevC的帖子):

Use the --clone flag to clone environments (see @DevC's post):

λ conda create --name myclone --clone root


This basically creates a direct copy of an environment.

选项3 -规范文件

制作规范文件 ,用于附加来自环境的依赖项(请参阅@Ormetrom):

Make a spec-file to append dependencies from an env (see @Ormetrom):

λ activate myenv
λ conda list --explicit > spec_file.txt
λ conda install --name root --file spec_file.txt


Alternatively, replicate a new environment (recommended):

λ conda create --name myenv2 --file spec_file.txt


  • conda env 了解有关env子项的更多详细信息命令.
  • Anaconada Navigator 桌面程序,以获得更多图形体验.
  • 文档有关更新的命令.对于较旧的conda版本,请使用activate(Windows)和source activate(Linux/Mac OS).
  • 讨论关于保持conda env
  • conda env for more details on the env sub-commands.
  • Anaconada Navigator desktop program for a more graphical experience.
  • Docs on updated commands. With older conda versions use activate (Windows) and source activate (Linux/Mac OS).
  • Discussion on keeping conda env

Conda文档已更改;链接已更新. 规范文件仅适用于在同一OS上创建的环境.与前两个选项不同,spec文件仅捕获指向conda依赖项的链接.不包括点子依存关系.

Conda docs have changed since the original post; links updated.Spec-files only work with environments created on the same OS. Unlike the first two options, spec-files only capture links to conda dependencies; pip dependencies are not included.


08-21 17:39