



翻译单元的常用定义是经过预处理(头文件包含,宏等以及源文件)之后的内容.这个定义相当明确,C标准5.1.1.1 C11表示:

The commonly used definition of a translation unit is what comes after preprocessing (header files inclusions, macros, etc along with the source file). This definition is reasonably clear and the C standard,, C11, says:


Reading the first sentence more closely:

(按我的理解),这意味着可以同时翻译C程序 ,而不必将其拆分为多个预处理源文件.同样在同一段落的末尾,该标准说:

which implies (to my reading), a C program can be translated at the same without necessarily splitting them into multiple preprocessing source files.Also at the end of the same paragraph, the standard says:


which can be (and typically is) interpreted as compiling individual object files and then finally linking them to produce a single executable program. However, if one can make a question out of the above statement and ask: does it mean an implementation is free to consider multiple source files as a single translation unit, especially for an invocation like:

gcc file1.c file2.c -o out


where the compiler has access to the entire source?

特别是,如果实现将file1.c + file2.c(如上)视为单个翻译单元,是否可以认为它不符合要求?

In particular, if an implementation treats file1.c + file2.c (above) as a single translation unit, can it be considered non-conforming?




If there are two source files then there are two preprocessing files, and therefore two preprocessing translation units, and therefore two translation units. One corresponding to each source file.


The standard doesn't define source file. I guess the compiler could say "I'm making up my own version of 'source file' by declaring that file1.c and file2.c are not source files after all!" and concatenate them, but this would be at odds with programmer expectations. I think you would have a hard time arguing that file1.c is not a source file.


08-21 16:57