我以前使用过程样式的PHP.后来,我曾经创建一些类.后来,我学习了Zend Framework,并开始以OOP风格进行编程.现在,我的程序基于我自己的框架(带有cms元素,但没有任何 in 框架),该框架建立在Zend框架的顶部.
I used to use procedural-style PHP. Later, I used to create some classes. Later, I learned Zend Framework and started to program in OOP style. Now my programs are based on my own framework (with elements of cms, but without any design in framework), which is built on the top of the Zend Framework.
Now it consists of lots classes. But the more I program, more I'm afraid. I'm afraid that my program will be slow because of them I'm afraid to add every another one class which can help me to develop but can slow the application.
我所知道的是,包含大量文件会降低应用程序的速度(使用eAccelerator +将所有代码收集到一个文件中可以使应用程序加速20倍!),但是我不知道是否创建新的类和对象本身会降低PHP的速度.
All I know is that including lots of files slows application (using eAccelerator + gathering all the code in one file can speed up application 20 times!), but I have no idea if creating new classes and objects slows PHP by itself.
Does anyone have any information about it?
此处为讨论该问题的好文章.我还看到了一些轶事基准,它将使OOP PHP开销降低10-15%我个人认为OOP是更好的选择,因为最终OOP可能会表现得更好,因为它可能经过了更好的设计和考虑.程序代码往往很杂乱且难以维护.因此,最后-必须对您的应用程序的性能差异与维护,扩展和简单理解的能力有多重要
Here's good article discussing the issue. I also have seen some anecdotal bench-marks that will put OOP PHP overhead at 10-15%Personally I think OOP is better choice since at the end it may perform better just because it probably was better designed and thought through. Procedural code tends to be messy and hard to maintain. So at the end - it has to be how critical is performance difference for your app vs. ability to maintain, extend and simply comprehend