

史蒂夫·杰格(Steve Yegge)撰写了:

最后一次我使用文本编辑器编写代码,当我还在大约在1000年前在记事本中写入HTML时。从那时起,我已经或多或少依赖于IDE,在整个职业生涯中使用过Visual Studio,NetBeans,IntelliJ,Borland / Codegear Studio和Eclipse。

值得的是,我尝试了Emacs,而且我的经验是令人沮丧的,因为它完全缺乏开箱即用的可发现功能。 (显然有一个Emacs命令用于发现其他Emacs命令,我无法找到 - 这就像生活自己的残酷的禅样笑话)。我试图使自己像程序一个好月份,但最终决定我宁愿拖放GUI设计师,智能感知和交互式调试。







Steve Yegge wrote a comment on his blog:

The last time I used a text editor for writing code was back when I was still writing HTML in Notepad about 1000 years ago. Since then, I've been more or less IDE dependent, having used Visual Studio, NetBeans, IntelliJ, Borland/Codegear Studio, and Eclipse for my entire career.

For what it's worth, I have tried Emacs, and my experience was a frustrating one because of its complete lack of out-of-the-box discoverable features. (Apparently there's an Emacs command for discovering other Emacs commands, which I couldn't find by the way -- it's like living your own cruel Zen-like joke.) I tried to make myself like the program for a good month, but eventually decided that I'd rather have drag-and-drop GUI designers, IntelliSense, and interactive debugging instead.

It's hard to separate fact from fanboyism, so I'm not willing to take Yegge's comments at face value just yet.

Is there a measurable difference in skill, productivity, or programming enjoyment between people who depend on IDEs and those who don't, or is it all just fanboyism?


First let me say, I am a self professed true believer in the cult of Emacs.

That said, the blogger is nuts. You write in what you find useful. I find that Emacs helps me, mainly because I spent my college years pre-paying the start-up cost of learning how to modify it to suit my needs, and modifying myself to its needs.

But other people do things differently, and as they say "That's OK".


08-21 15:19