


I am using iTextSharp to generate dynamic PDF documents. I have a requirement to use a very specific font for which I have the licensed .ttf file.


I can use the code the below to load and use the font, however I would much prefer to have the font file as located as an embedded resource in my class library rather than being reliant on a specific location on disk.

string fontpath = Server.MapPath(".");
BaseFont customfont = BaseFont.CreateFont(fontpath + "myspecial.ttf", BaseFont.CP1252,    BaseFont.EMBEDDED);
Font font = new Font(customfont, 12);
string s = "My expensive custom font.";
doc.Add(new Paragraph(s, font));


Can anybody help me as to how I might achieve this?


在查看ITextSharp源代码后,您似乎可以使用以下 BaseFont.CreateFont 的重载将您的嵌入式资源用作字体(来自):

After reviewing the ITextSharp source it looks like you may be able to use the following overload of BaseFont.CreateFont to use your embedded resource as a font (line 543 from BaseFont.cs):

public static BaseFont CreateFont(String name, String encoding, bool embedded, bool cached, byte[] ttfAfm, byte[] pfb)

ttfAfm 应该将TTF文件表示为 byte []

ttfAfm should represent the TTF file as a byte[].


08-21 15:16