

本文介绍了XCode 9 Beta在应用启动时显示错误的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试以XCode 9 Beta版本打开我的现有项目.代码已编译,没有任何错误,但是当应用启动时模拟器在警告中显示警告时.

I am trying to open my existing project in XCode 9 Beta version. Code is compile without any error, however when simulator showing warning in alert when app launch.


Please let me know what is going wrong.



The problem happens when files in your target are marked read-only. One common cause is a copy-files script where the files it is copying are read-only.

您可以尝试在脚本中添加 chmod u + w 命令,以确保在将文件复制到目标文件后对其进行读写操作.

You can try adding a chmod u+w command to the script to ensure the files are read-write after being copied into the target.

对于Cocoapods,您可以尝试使用 chmod -R u + w/path/to/your/project/Pods 使pods子目录中的所有文件均可写.

For Cocoapods, you can try chmod -R u+w /path/to/your/project/Pods to make all files in the pods subdirectory writable.

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08-21 14:31