




While retrieving cookies I need to use:

<c:forEach items="${cookie}" var="currentCookie">
    ${currentCookie.value.name} </br>


But, while using custom arrays, why we need to skip the .value function?

<c:forEach items="${myList}" var="myList">
    ${myList.name} </br>


Cookie contains a .getValue function() which returns the content of the cookie in string format, so how does using currentCookie.value.name work?


$ {cookie} 指向使用cookie名称作为映射键和对象作为地图值。在< c:forEach> 中的 Map 上的每次迭代都会为您提供返回和方法。您的困惑是 Cookie 对象依次 a 方法。

The ${cookie} points to a Map<String, Cookie> with the cookie name as map key and the Cookie object as map value. Every iteration over a Map in <c:forEach> gives you a Map.Entry back which in turn has getKey() and getValue() methods. Your confusion is that the Cookie object has in turn also a getValue() method.

<c:forEach items="${cookie}" var="currentCookie">
    Cookie name as map entry key: ${currentCookie.key}<br/>
    Cookie object as map entry value: ${currentCookie.value}<br/>
    Name property of Cookie object: ${currentCookie.value.name}<br/>
    Value property of Cookie object: ${currentCookie.value.value}<br/>

这是地图< String,Cookie> 因为它允许您在事先知道名称时轻松直接访问cookie值。以下示例假定它是 cookieName

It's a Map<String, Cookie> because it allows you easy direct access to cookie value when you already know the name beforehand. The below example assumes it to be cookieName:


您的列表示例无效。 var 不应该引用与列表本身相同的名称。

Your list example is by the way invalid. The var should not refer the same name as the list itself.


08-21 14:19