



TeamCity 8.1.4(内部版本30168)

TeamCity 8.1.4 (build 30168)

我注意到Build Feature始终作为Build Steps第一步的第一步运行,但是有可能使Build Feature运行,例如作为step2的第一部分?还是作为Step1的最后一部分?

I notice that Build Features are always run as first part of first step in the Build Steps, but is it possible to make a Build Feature run e.g. as first part of step2? Or as last part of Step1?
Any help is appreciated!


(If it is of interest, this is my concrete problem;
I have a meta runner that creates a specific build number, I use this as a first step in the build steps. I want to use the build feature "AssemblyInfo patcher", but this runs before the meta runner has done its thing)


  1. 创建另一个构建配置,将您的meta-runner移到那里.
  2. 将构建参数修改为通过服务消息报告内部版本
  3. 从构建配置到新快照创建快照依赖项
  4. 在带有meta-runner的配置中,转到常规页面,在内部版本号"字段中输入%dep.META_RUNNER_CONFIG_ID.build.number%.这将从依赖中获取内部版本号,并将其设置为内部版本号. META_RUNNER_CONFIG_ID是构建配置ID,您将在已将元运行器移动到的配置的常规页面上看到.
  5. 使用%build.number%作为AssemblyInfoPatcher中的替代
  1. Create another build configuration, move your meta-runner there.
  2. Modify your build parameter to report a build number through service message
  3. Create a snapshot dependency from your build configuration to the new one
  4. In the configuration with meta-runner go to general page, enter %dep.META_RUNNER_CONFIG_ID.build.number% to 'build number' field. This will take a build number from the dependency and set it as a build number. META_RUNNER_CONFIG_ID is the Build configuration id you will see on the general page of your configuration where you have moved meta runner.
  5. Use %build.number% as a replacement in AssemblyInfoPatcher


08-21 14:07