本文介绍了谷歌,加上ANE AIR本机扩展未能解决接口的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am attempting to add Google Plus support to an Air mobile app by creating a native extension. The code works in a standalone project however attempting to use it as a native extension produces the following error:

Failed resolving Lcom/myname/ane/sharingextensions/googleplus/GooglePlusConnect; interface 479 'Lcom/google/android/gms/common/api/GoogleApiClient$ConnectionCallbacks;'
04-08 15:51:29.573: W/dalvikvm(19956): Link of class 'Lcom/myname/ane/sharingextensions/googleplus/GooglePlusConnect;' failed

在我看来,谷歌播放服务库实际上没有被包括在本机扩展。在谷歌播放-services_lib项目添加为库项目,以我的原生扩展项目。我试图从谷歌播放-services_lib项目提取的bin /谷歌播放-services_lib.jar文件和内容更新我的原生扩展jar

It seems to me that the Google Play Services library is not actually being included in the native extension.The google-play-services_lib project is added as a library project to my native extension project. I have tried extracting the bin/google-play-services_lib.jar file from the google-play-services_lib project and updating my native extension jar with the contents

jar xf /path-to-play-services-project/bin/google-play-services_lib.jar
jar uf ./my_gplus_extension.jar ./android

不过这似乎并没有解决这个问题(所有这似乎是在那里是一个UnusedStub.class文件)。我也更新了Android SDK的Adobe AIR目录到版本19(这里描述的的),但是这也没有效果。有问题的类是:

but this does not seem to fix the problem (all that seems to be in there is a single "UnusedStub.class" file). I have also updated the Android SDK in the Adobe Air directory to version 19 (as described here http://lancelotmobile.com/blog/air-compile-for-android-4/) but this also has had no effect.The offending class is:

public class GooglePlusConnect extends FragmentActivity implements
    ConnectionCallbacks, OnConnectionFailedListener,
    ResultCallback<People.LoadPeopleResult> {

        //Pretty much a clone of the google plus sign-in sample project


It would be great if anyone had any insight into this or can spot any daft mistakes I have made.


我想我只是回答我自己的问题,好像我需要被提取/内容路径到播放服务项目/库/谷歌 - 播放 - services.jar实际上包含很多东西,并纠正该链接错误,当我与它的内容更新我的扩展jar文件。下面似乎排序:

I think I just answered my own question, seems like I need to be extracting the contents of /path-to-play-services-project/libs/google-play-services.jar which actually contains lots of stuff, and corrects that link error when I update my extension jar file with its contents. The following seems to sort it:

jar xf /path-to-play-services-project/libs/google-play-services.jar
jar uf ./my_gplus_extension.jar ./com

这篇关于谷歌,加上ANE AIR本机扩展未能解决接口的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-21 14:01