我在 Three.js 中有一个纹理模型,我希望能够在页面加载时换出 .gltf 文件中定义的纹理.我在
加载纹理时需要注意颜色空间:如果纹理有颜色数据(如 .map
或 >.emissiveMap
) 可能是 sRGB.
texture.encoding = THREE.sRGBEncoding;
请参阅 GLTFLoader 文档 和 three.js 中的颜色管理.这假设 renderer.outputEncoding = THREE.sRGBEncoding
three.js r113
I've got a textured model in three.js and I want to be able to swap out the texture defined in the .gltf file when the page loads. I've looked here for inspiration.
"images": [
"uri": "flat_baseColor.png"
// etc
So to update the texture I do
var images = [
// "./textures/01.jpg",
var texture = new THREE.TextureLoader().load( images[0] );
var my_material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({map: texture});
// load the model
var loader = new GLTFLoader().setPath( 'models/gltf/' ); // trex
loader.load( 'creature_posed.gltf', function ( gltf )
gltf.scene.traverse( function ( child )
if ( child.isMesh )
// The textures go for a double flip, I have no idea why
// Texture compensation
texture.flipX = false;
texture.flipY = false;
child.material = my_material;
texture.needsUpdate = true;
} );
var model = gltf.scene;
Only the texture is considerably pale. :(
I've tested it against itself, so it's not the texture). What have a missed out?
When loading textures you'll need to pay attention to colorspace: if the texture has color data (like .map
or .emissiveMap
) it's probably sRGB.
texture.encoding = THREE.sRGBEncoding;
See GLTFLoader docs and color management in three.js. This assumes that renderer.outputEncoding = THREE.sRGBEncoding
as well.
three.js r113