




I know that in RDD's we were discouraged from using groupByKey, and encouraged to use alternatives such as reduceByKey(), and aggregateByKey() since these other methods would reduce first on each partition, and then perform groupByKey() and thus reduces the amount of data being shuffled.


Now, my question is if this still applies to Dataset/Dataframe? I was thinking that since catalyst engine does a lot of optimization, that the catalyst will automatically know that it should reduce on each partition, and then perform the groupBy. Am I correct? Or we still need to take steps to ensure reduction on each partition is performed before groupBy.


groupBy应该用于数据框和数据集.如果您认为是完全正确的,则Catalyst Optimizer将构建计划并优化GroupBy中的所有入口以及您想要执行的其他聚合.

The groupBy should be used at Dataframes and Datasets. You thinking is complete right, the Catalyst Optimizer will build the plan and optimize all the entrances in GroupBy and other aggregations that you want to do.

有一个很好的例子,在链接上的spark 1.4中显示了带有RDD的reduceByKey和带有DataFrame的GroupBy的比较.

There is a good example, that is in spark 1.4 on this link that show the comparison of reduceByKey with RDD and GroupBy with DataFrame.

您可以看到它确实比RDD快得多,因此groupBy通过优化所有执行以获得更多详细信息,您可以使用 DataFrames的介绍

And you can see that is really much more faster than RDD, so groupBy optimize all the execution for more details you can see the oficial post of DataBricks with the introduction of DataFrames


08-21 13:21