是否可以在WPF的D3DImage中使用DirectX 10(我正在使用SlimDX)?我只能找到的唯一示例和文档是使用DX9曲面显示的.
Is it possible to use DirectX 10 (I am using SlimDX) with WPF's D3DImage? The only examples and docs I can find only show using DX9 surfaces.
是的,您可以在WPF中使用D3DImage使用DirectX 10、11和DirectWrite,方法是将渲染目标表面创建为共享的,然后基于DX9纹理创建在WPF中使用的共享纹理句柄上.
Yes, you can use DirectX 10, 11, and DirectWrite using the D3DImage in WPF by creating your render target surface as shared, and then creating a DX9 texture based on that shared texture handle to use in WPF.
This means that essentially you can use 10, 11, and DirectWrite the same way you use DX9 with no additional overhead, and no airspace issues.
A sample WPF project with DX9, DX10, DX11, and DirectWrite integration can be found referenced in this blog post here:
Microsoft代码包除了Windows 7中的各种其他非托管库之外,还包含适用于Windows 7组件(包括DX9,DX10,DX11和DirectWrite)的精简托管包装.
The Microsoft Code Pack contains a thin managed wrapper for Windows 7 components including DX9, DX10, DX11 and DirectWrite in addition to various other unmanaged libraries in Windows 7.
The SurfaceQueueInteropHelper is a WPF control that manages automatically creating DX9, 10, and 11 contexts in WPF and managing D3DImage updating and various other aspects of the rendering system including device lost events.