




I learned from various tutorials to use a Canvas on top of a JFrame to render images for a 2D Game Engine. I had to create a BufferStrategy to keep the image smooth and such, but recently I've heard using a JPanel instead to render images. Should I use JPanel? If so, do I still need to create a BufferStrategy or is it integrated. Am I just really misinformed and am I even making sense? I'm a beginner so feel free to try to correct me and guide me- I am very overwhelmed with this for some reason :P Thanks.





Uses "active painting". It gives you direct control over when something gets painted

  • 可以更好地控制帧速率

  • 具有低级别的连接,并且可以访问硬件加速

使用被动绘画。有一个 RepaintManager 可以控制何时以及什么时间绘制内容,将其发布到事件调度线程上,并与所有其他事件一起进行处理。

Uses "passive painting". There is a RepaintManager which is in control of scheduling when and what gets painted, this is posted onto the Event Dispatching Thread and get's processed along with all the other events.

  • 不直接控制绘画系统

  • 可变帧速率


Are linked through the same rendering pipeline, typically this is either DirectX or OpenGL

取决于。大多数游戏引擎必须以 Canvas 开头,因为这通常是将Java链接到底层渲染引擎的唯一方法。大多数游戏引擎都是DirectX或OpenGL上的低级本地绑定或轻量包装,使您可以直接(间接)访问这些API。

Depends. Most game engines HAVE to start with a Canvas, as this is generally the only way to link Java to the underlying rendering engine. Most game engines are low level native bindings or light wraps over DirectX or OpenGL, giving you access to those APIs (in)directly


A few engines may still use Swing directly, but they would be limited and may be intended for situations where you don't need 3D or a high/consistent frame rate.


This is a matter of personal opinion. Do you need a constant frame rate? Do you want to do 3D or is 2D enough? Do you want to perform low level functionality (texture manipulation etc)?

  • Passive vs. Active Rendering
  • Painting in AWT and Swing


08-21 13:01