

我有一条从 A 点到 B 点的线;我有 (x,y) 两个点.我还有一个以 B 为中心的矩形以及矩形的宽度和高度.

I have a line that goes from points A to B; I have (x,y) of both points. I also have a rectangle that's centered at B and the width and height of the rectangle.

我需要在与矩形相交的直线上找到点.有没有公​​式可以给我那个点的 (x,y)?

I need to find the point in the line that intersects the rectangle. Is there a formula that gives me the (x,y) of that point?



Assuming the rectangle is axis-aligned, this makes things pretty simple:

直线的斜率为 s = (Ay - By)/(Ax - Bx).

The slope of the line is s = (Ay - By)/(Ax - Bx).

  • 如果 -h/2
  • 如果 Ax > Bx 为右边缘
  • 左边缘如果 Ax
  • 顶边如果 Ay > By
  • 底边如果 Ay <

一旦你知道它相交的边,你就会知道一个坐标:x = Bx ± w/2 或 y = By ± h/2,这取决于你击中的是哪条边.另一个坐标由 y = By + s * w/2 或 x = Bx + (h/2)/s 给出.

Once you know the edge it intersects you know one coordinate: x = Bx ± w/2 or y = By ± h/2 depending on which edge you hit. The other coordinate is given by y = By + s * w/2 or x = Bx + (h/2)/s.


09-02 15:44