



  1. LLVM是否在可能的情况下自动将Objective-C方法转换为内联函数?

  1. Does LLVM automatically convert Objective-C methods to inline functions when possible?


(I.e., is it just as performant to create an Objective-C method for a block of code that you could otherwise paste inline?)

如果LLVM没有执行此优化,为什么不呢?如果是这样,(a)是否必须设置某些构建设置才能实现? (b)如何判断是否将内联Objective-C方法?

If LLVM doesn't perform this optimization, why not? If it does, (a) are there certain build settings I must set for this to happen? (b) How can I tell if an Objective-C method will be inlined?


否,因为在Obj-C运行时的上下文中无法知道是否可以执行这些优化.要记住的是,Obj-C方法是由消息发送调用的,这些消息不仅可以来自[myObject doSomething]语法,而且还可以来自其他消息.

No, because its impossible to know in the context of the Obj-C runtime if those kind of optimizations can be performed. The thing to remember is that Obj-C methods are invoked by a message send, these messages can come from more than just the [myObject doSomething] syntax.

考虑[obj performSelector:NSSelectorFromString(@"hello")]这可能发生的事实意味着不可能内联任何方法.

Consider [obj performSelector:NSSelectorFromString(@"hello")] the fact that this can happen means that it would be impossible to ever inline any method.


There is also a chain of events that happens when a message is received by a class, these events can reroute, or even change the message that is being sent. This happens transparently underneath the message send.


08-21 12:58