There are several ways to handle synchronization in Vulkan. This is how I understand it:
- 围栏是GPU与CPU的同步.
- 信号量是GPU到GPU的同步,用于同步队列提交(在相同或不同的队列中).
- 事件更一般,重置并在CPU和GPU上进行检查.
- 屏障用于在命令缓冲区内进行同步.
- Fences are GPU to CPU syncs.
- Semaphores are GPU to GPU syncs, they are used to sync queuesubmissions (on the same or different queues).
- Events are more general, reset and checked on both CPU and GPU.
- Barriers are used for synchronization inside a command buffer.
In my case I have two command buffers. And I want the second command buffer to execute after the first one.
submitInfo.pCommandBuffers = &firstCommandBuffer;
vkQueueSubmit(queue, 1, &submitInfo, VK_NULL_HANDLE);
// wait for first command buffer to finish
submitInfo.pCommandBuffers = &secondCommandBuffer;
vkQueueSubmit(queue, 1, &submitInfo, VK_NULL_HANDLE);
What kind of synchronization is best for this?If I use vkQueueWaitIdle(queue)),
is that the same thing as using a fence or should I use event or semaphores for this?
If I send multiple commandbuffer to the queue at the same time:
std::vector<VkCommandBuffer> submitCmdBuffers = {
submitInfo.commandBufferCount = submitCmdBuffers.size();
submitInfo.pCommandBuffers = submitCmdBuffers.data();
Is there still a way to synchronize between the first and the second one?
For this case, what you need rather depends on what those command buffers are.
If those are secondary command buffers executed within the same render pass instance, then you don't need any synchornization. Not unless you are manually reading from the depth texture in the secondary command buffer. Why?
因为第2.2.1节的 API订购保护您.渲染遍历实例中的深度测试和深度写入将始终以API顺序进行.因此,以后的命令,无论是在同一CB中还是在不同CB中,都将按顺序进行深度测试/编写.
Because section 2.2.1's API Ordering protects you. Depth testing and depth writing within a render-pass instance will always proceed in API order. So later commands, whether in the same CB or a different one, will be ordered with regard to depth testing/writing.
However, if you need to read that depth buffer from the shader or your command buffers are in different render pass instances, then you need explicit synchronization via an event.
In this case, the stage mask for the vkCmdSetEvent
command should be the stage that writes the depth value. This could be EARLY_FRAGMENT_TESTS_BIT
. To be safe, use both. However, since you're probably updating the same color buffer, you also need the COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT
stage. Insert this command at the end of the first command buffer (or after all the depth writing is done).
For the vkCmdWaitEvent
, you want to wait on the pipeline stages that need it. In your case, this is again the fragment tests and color attachment. But if a shader stage is going to read the depth, you also need that stage in the wait command.
Since memory is involved, your vkCmdWaitEvent
will also need to use a memory dependency on the depth and color buffers.
Really though, all of this complexity is why you should try to put these command buffers in the same render pass instance if at all possible. The only reason you would be unable to do so is if you needed to read from the depth buffer in a shader.