




Recently, I had answered a question about optimizing a likely parallelizable method for generation every permutation of arbitrary base numbers. I posted an answer similar to the Parallelized, poor implementation code block list, and someone nearly immediately pointed this out:

这是相当多保证给你假共享并很可能会慢很多倍。 (信贷)

和他们是正确的,它的死亡的慢。这就是说,我研究的话题,并发现了一些的其作斗争的。如果我理解正确的话,当线程访问连续的内存(中说,这可能支持那些 ConcurrentStack 数组),伪共享可能发生。

and they were right, it was death slow. That said, I researched the topic, and found some interesting material and suggestions for combating it. If I understand it correctly, when threads access contiguous memory (in say, the array that's likely backing that ConcurrentStack), false sharing likely occurs.


For code below the horizontal rule, a Bytes is:

struct Bytes {
  public byte A; public byte B; public byte C; public byte D;
  public byte E; public byte F; public byte G; public byte H;

有关我自己的测试,我希望得到这个运行的并行版本是真正更快,所以我创建了一个基于原代码一个简单的例子。 6 限制[0] 是我的一个懒选择 - 我的电脑有6个核心。

For my own testing, I wanted to get a parallel version of this running and be genuinely faster, so I created a simple example based on the original code. 6 as limits[0] was a lazy choice on my part - my computer has 6 cores.

单线程块 平均运行时间:10s0059ms

  var data = new List<Bytes>();
  var limits = new byte[] { 6, 16, 16, 16, 32, 8, 8, 8 };

  for (byte a = 0; a < limits[0]; a++)
  for (byte b = 0; b < limits[1]; b++)
  for (byte c = 0; c < limits[2]; c++)
  for (byte d = 0; d < limits[3]; d++)
  for (byte e = 0; e < limits[4]; e++)
  for (byte f = 0; f < limits[5]; f++)
  for (byte g = 0; g < limits[6]; g++)
  for (byte h = 0; h < limits[7]; h++)
    data.Add(new Bytes {
      A = a, B = b, C = c, D = d,
      E = e, F = f, G = g, H = h

并行化,执行不力 运行时间平均:81s729ms,〜 8700争论

  var data = new ConcurrentStack<Bytes>();
  var limits = new byte[] { 6, 16, 16, 16, 32, 8, 8, 8 };

  Parallel.For(0, limits[0], (a) => {
    for (byte b = 0; b < limits[1]; b++)
    for (byte c = 0; c < limits[2]; c++)
    for (byte d = 0; d < limits[3]; d++)
    for (byte e = 0; e < limits[4]; e++)
    for (byte f = 0; f < limits[5]; f++)
    for (byte g = 0; g < limits[6]; g++)
    for (byte h = 0; h < limits[7]; h++)
      data.Push(new Bytes {
        A = (byte)a,B = b,C = c,D = d,
        E = e,F = f,G = g,H = h

并行化?实施 运行时间平均:5s833ms,92争

  var data = new ConcurrentStack<List<Bytes>>();
  var limits = new byte[] { 6, 16, 16, 16, 32, 8, 8, 8 };

  Parallel.For (0, limits[0], () => new List<Bytes>(),
    (a, loop, localList) => {
      for (byte b = 0; b < limits[1]; b++)
      for (byte c = 0; c < limits[2]; c++)
      for (byte d = 0; d < limits[3]; d++)
      for (byte e = 0; e < limits[4]; e++)
      for (byte f = 0; f < limits[5]; f++)
      for (byte g = 0; g < limits[6]; g++)
      for (byte h = 0; h < limits[7]; h++)
        localList.Add(new Bytes {
          A = (byte)a, B = b, C = c, D = d,
          E = e, F = f, G = g, H = h
      return localList;
  }, x => {

我很高兴,我已经得到比单线程版本快的实现。我期望的结果接近10秒左右/ 6,或约160秒,但是这可能是一个天真的期望。

I'm glad that I had got an implementation that is faster than the single threaded version. I expected a result closer to around 10s / 6, or around 1.6 seconds, but that's probably a naive expectation.


My question is for the parallelized implementation that is actually faster than the single-threaded version, are there further optimizations that could be a applied to the operation? I'm wondering about optimizations related to parallelization, not improvements to the algorithm used to compute the values. Specifically:

  • 我知道存储和填充为结构而不是优化的字节[] ,但它不涉及到并行(是吗?)

  • 我知道所需的值可能是偷懒与波进位加法器进行评估,但同为结构优化。

  • I know about the optimization to store and populate as a struct instead of byte[], but it's not related to parallelization (or is it?)
  • I know that a desired value could be lazy evaluated with a ripple-carry adder, but same as the struct optimization.


首先,我对最初的假设的Parallel.For( ) Parallel.ForEach()是错误的。

First off, my initial assumption regarding Parallel.For() and Parallel.ForEach() was wrong.

可怜的并行实现很可能有6个线程都试图同时写入一个 CouncurrentStack()。在良好的执行线程usuing当地人(解释请见下文)每个任务只访问共享变量一次,几乎消除了任何竞争。

The poor parallel implementation very likely has 6 threads all attempting to write to a single CouncurrentStack() at once. The good implementation usuing thread locals (explained more below) only accesses the shared variable once per task, nearly eliminating any contention.

在使用的Parallel.For() Parallel.ForEach(),您不能的简单的在线更换或的foreach 循环>跟他们。这并不是说,这可能不是一个盲目的改善,但没有研究这个问题,并插装它,使用他们在一个问题扔多线程,因为这可能会使其更快。

When using Parallel.For() and Parallel.ForEach(), you cannot simply in-line replace a for or foreach loop with them. That's not to say it couldn't be a blind improvement, but without examining the problem and instrumenting it, using them is throwing multithreading at a problem because it might make it faster.

** 的Parallel.For() Parallel.ForEach()具有重载允许您创建为工作他们最终创建一个本地状态,在每次迭代的执行后运行的表达式。

**Parallel.For() and Parallel.ForEach() has overloads that allow you to create a local state for the Task they ultimately create, and run an expression before and after each iteration's execution.


If you have an operation you parallelize with Parallel.For() or Parallel.ForEach(), it's likely a good idea to use this overload:

public static ParallelLoopResult For<TLocal>(
    int fromInclusive,
    int toExclusive,
    Func<TLocal> localInit,
    Func<int, ParallelLoopState, TLocal, TLocal> body,
    Action<TLocal> localFinally


For example, calling For() to sum all integers from 1 to 100,

var total = 0;

Parallel.For(0, 101, () => 0,  // <-- localInit
(i, state, localTotal) => { // <-- body
  localTotal += i;
  return localTotal;
}, localTotal => { <-- localFinally
  Interlocked.Add(ref total, localTotal);


localInit 应该是初始化一个拉姆达本地状态类型,它被传递到 localFinally lambda表达式。请注意,我不建议实施总结1至100并行使用,但只是有一个简单的例子来让这个例子很短。

localInit should be an lambda that initializes the local state type, which is passed to the body and localFinally lambdas. Please note I am not recommending implementing summing 1 to 100 using parallelization, but just have a simple example to make the example short.


08-21 12:54