


While using Sentry in L4, is it possible to make an account be used in multiple computers at the same time? Right now, Sentry logs out the user the moment the same account is used in another computer.

现在,我正在尝试使该 not 发生,并使两个用户同时登录.我知道用户注销时这是一种安全功能,但是我项目的情况不是您所说的 normal .

Right now I'm trying for that not to happen and keep both users logged in at the same time. I know that it's a security feature when a user gets logged out, but my project's circumstances aren't what you'd call normal.


对Nico Kaag的回答和spamoom注释的实现的扩展:

Extension to Nico Kaag's answer and implementation of spamoom's comment:



    // Modify users array to point to custom model.

'users' => array(
    'model' => 'User',
    'login_attribute' => 'email',




use Cartalyst\Sentry\Users\Eloquent\User as SentryUser;

class User extends SentryUser



    // Override the SentryUser getPersistCode method.

    public function getPersistCode()
        if (!$this->persist_code)
            $this->persist_code = $this->getRandomString();

            // Our code got hashed
            $persistCode = $this->persist_code;


            return $persistCode;
        return $this->persist_code;


09-15 19:38