



我一直在使用 PHP、Javascript 进行编程,并且在一家公司担任了几年的设计师.我想离开我想知道我现在需要具备哪些技能才能成功.

I have been programming using PHP, Javascript and have been a designer for a few years in a company. I am thinking of leaving I am wondering what skills do I need to have nowadays to become successful.



You seem to be inquisitive and interested in learning. That's qualification #1; things change fast in this field, and only the life-long learners survive.

下一步是搜索您所在地区的工作板(MonsterCraigslist乔尔在 Software Jobs Board 等上)并跟踪您看到的大量出现的技能.这可能是热门"的一个很好的代表,至少在你附近是这样.

Next step would be to scour job boards in your area (Monster, Craigslist, Joel On Software Jobs Board, etc.) and keep track of the skills you see coming up a lot. That's probably a fairly good representation of what's "hot", at least near you.

然后,您可以在此处通过标签检查堆栈溢出(例如 PHPjavascript),看看人们问的这些问题对你来说是否具有基本意义(不是你需要知道每个答案,但如果它听起来像希腊语,您可能还没有准备好在该领域找到工作).

Then, you can check here on stack overflow by tags (e.g. PHP and javascript) and see if the kinds of questions that people are asking make basic sense to you (not that you need to know every answer, but if it sounds like Greek, you're probably not ready to get a job in that subject).

为了更直接地回答您的问题:有针对 PHP 和 javascript 的网络工作,尽管如果您朝那个方向走,大量的 CSS 和 Ajax 可能不会受到伤害.如果你想要一份一般的网站管理员"类型的工作,设计背景会有所帮助,但请注意,这些通常不是面向编程的工作,因为你可以在普通网站上做的大多数事情通常最好用现成的 CMS(你通常不需要重新发明轮子,除非您正在做的网站在某些方面非常实用).正如其他发帖人所说,如果您想要更企业化的东西,C#/.NET 可能是不错的选择.

To more directly answer your question: there are web jobs out there for PHP and javascript, though a heavy dose of CSS and Ajax probably wouldn't hurt if you're going that direction. A design background will help if you want a general "webmaster" type job, but note that those are often NOT programming-oriented jobs, because most stuff you can do on an average website is typically better done with an off the shelf CMS (you don't usually need to reinvent the wheel unless the web site you're doing is highly functional in some way). As other posters have said, C# / .NET is probably good if you want something more corporate.


The real question is: what kind of work do you like doing? What makes you happy? Find that and do it well, and you'll get a job. :)


08-21 12:49