



使用opengl / windows 10 / visual c ++ 2015

我在我的程序中有一个Window类,创建并维护一个win32屏幕窗口, 'opengl上下文。作为这样做的一部分,它获得指向很多opengl'扩展'函数的指针。

我的问题是我可以存储这些扩展指针全局/ class static或者我需要为每个实例或窗口保留一个副本,因为它们会有不同的opengl上下文?



这取决于操作系统和所使用的窗口系统。 ,OpenGL允许扩展函数指针对于每个OpenGL上下文是不同的:



  struct glfunctions {
/ *所有函数指针* /
std :: map< HGLRC,glfunctions> context_glfunctions;


Using opengl/windows 10/visual c++ 2015

I have a 'Window' class in my program which creates and maintains a win32 screen window including making a 'modern' opengl context on it. As part of doing this it obtains pointers to lots of opengl 'extension' functions.

My question is can I store those extension pointers globally/class static or do I need to keep a copy for every instance or Window as they'll have different opengl contexts? Are the pointers valid and the same for every opengl context I create or do I need to do it over and over again for every window I create?


That depends on the operating system and the windowing system used. The WGL specification says, that OpenGL extension function pointers are permitted to be different for each OpenGL context:

In contrast to that X11/GLX specifies (page 35, section 3.3.12) that OpenGL extension function pointers are invariant (i.e. don't change) regardless of the context:

In case of Windows the most viable approach would be to have a map between context handle and a structure holding all the function pointers, i.e.

struct glfunctions {
    /* all the function pointers */
std::map<HGLRC,glfunctions> context_glfunctions;

Feel free to add some form of LRU to the map, so that repeated lookups of the context don't have to go through the whole map.


08-21 12:27