




Given this data (relative letter frequency from both languages):

spanish => 'e' => 13.72, 'a' => 11.72, 'o' => 8.44, 's' => 7.20, 'n' => 6.83,
english => 'e' => 12.60, 't' => 9.37, 'a' => 8.34, 'o' => 7.70, 'n' => 6.80,


And then computing the letter frequency for the string "this is a test" gives me:

"t"=>21.43, "s"=>14.29, "i"=>7.14, "r"=>7.14, "y"=>7.14, "'"=>7.14, "h"=>7.14, "e"=>7.14, "l"=>7.14


So, what would be a good approach for matching the given string letter frequency with a language (and try to detect the language)? I've seen (and have tested) some examples using levenshtein distance, and it seems to work fine until you add more languages.

"this is a test" gives (shortest distance:) [:english, 13] ...
"esto es una prueba" gives (shortest distance:) [:spanish, 13] ...



Have you considered using cosine similarity to determine the amount of similarity between two vectors?


The first vector would be the letter frequencies extracted from the test string (to be classified), and the second vector would be for a specific language.

您当前正在提取单个字母的频率(字母组合).我建议提取更高阶的 n-gram ,例如双字母组或三字母组(甚至更大)如果您有足够的培训数据).例如,对于二元字体,您可以计算"aa","ab","ac" ..."zz"的频率,这比仅考虑单个字符频率时可以提取更多的信息.

You're currently extracting single letter frequencies (unigrams). I would suggest extracting higher order n-grams, such as bigrams or trigrams (and even larger if you had enough training data). For example, for bigrams you would compute the frequencies of "aa", "ab", "ac" ... "zz", which will allow you to extract more information than if you were just considering single character frequencies.


Be careful though, because you need more training data when you use higher order n-grams otherwise you will have many 0-values for character combinations you haven't seen before.

此外,第二种可能性是使用 tf-idf (术语频率逆文档频率)加权,而不是纯字母(术语)频率.

In addition, a second possibility is to use tf-idf (term-frequency inverse-document-frequency) weightings instead of pure letter (term) frequencies.


Here is a good slideshow on language identification for (very) short texts, which uses machine learning classifiers (but also has some other good info).


Here is a short paper A Comparison of Language Identification Approacheson Short, Query-Style Texts that you might also find useful.


08-21 12:03