


The code I have written solves the basic coin change problem using dynamic programming and gives the minimum number of coins required to make the change. But I want to store the count of each coin playing part in the minimum number.

我要做的是初始化数组 count [] ,就像对它进行哈希处理一样,它会增加每当发现分钟时,即 coin [j] ,即 count [coin [j]] + +
但这不能按照我想要的方式工作,因为每次找到硬币[j]对应的分钟时,它都会添加硬币。 code>。因此,数字不是最终答案中最终的硬币数量。

What I am trying to do is initializing an array count[] and just like hashing it increments the number of coin[j] whenever min is found, i.e count[coin[j]]++ . But this is not working the way I wanted because it adds the coin every time it finds min corresponding to coin[j]. Hence the number is not the final count of coin in the final answer.


void makeChange(int coin[], int n, int value)
    int i, j;
    int min_coin[MAX];
    int min;

    int count[MAX];
    min_coin[0] = 0;

    for (i=1; i <= value; i++)
            min = 999;
            for (j = 0; j<n; j++)
                    if (coin[j] <= i)
                            if (min > min_coin[i-coin[j]]+1)
                                    min = min_coin[i-coin[j]]+1;
            min_coin[i] = min;

    printf("minimum coins required %d \n", min_coin[value]);




You have to keep an extra, two-dinemsional array to store the coin count for each value and each coin denomination.

在内部循环中分配新的最小值时,请复制所有硬币计数从 i-硬币[j] 到i,然后递增 min_count [i] [j] 。然后,所需的硬币数量在 coin_count [value] 中。

When you assign a new minimum in your inner loop, copy all coin counts from i - coin[j] to i and then increment min_count[i][j]. The number of coins needed is then in coin_count[value].


09-25 11:43