


I have to do a project for my Computer Science class. The problem is:


Patrons of a library can borrow up to three books. A patron, therefore, has a name and up to three books. A book has an author and a title. Design and implement two classes, Patron and Book, to represent these objects and the following behavior:

  • 客户端可以实例化带有标题的书籍和作者

  • 客户可以检查但不能修改书籍的标题或作者

  • 客户可以向顾客询问是否借了一本书(通过标题确定。

  • 客户可以告诉顾客返回给定的书(由标题标识)。

  • 客户可以告诉顾客借用给定的书。

  • The client can instantiate a book with a title and author
  • The client can examine but not modify a book's title or author
  • The client can ask a patron wthere it has borrowed a given book (identified by title).
  • The client can tell a patron to return a given book (identified by title).
  • The client can tell a patron to borrow a given book.


The Patron class should use a seperate instance variable for each book (a total of three).Each of these variables is initially null. When a book is borrowed, the patron looks for a variable that is not null. If no such variable is found, the method returns false. If a null variable is found, it is reset to the new book and the method returns true. Similar considerations apply to other methods. Use the method aString.equals(aString) to compare two strings for equality. Be sure to include appropriate toString methods for your classes and test them with a tester program.

这是我的客户端 class,包含 main 方法:

Here is my Client class, which contains the main method: http://pastebin.com/JpxCT2F6


Now my problem is that when I run the program, the program doesn't wait for user input. Here is what comes up in the console of Eclipse:

Please enter title of book 1:
Please enter author of book 1:
Please enter title of book 2:
Please enter author of book 2:
Please enter title of book 3:
Please enter author of book 3:
Which book would you like to check for?
The patron has taken out the book s
Would you like to return a book? (1 yes or 2 no)
Which book would you like to return?
Sorry, could not find the book
Would you like to take out a book? (1 yes or 2 no)
Invalid option
Which book would you like to check for?
The patron does not have  taken out
Would you like to return a book? (1 yes or 2 no)


Ass you can see, the console doesn't wait for user input after "Which book would you like return?" Instead, it takes a blank value. And later in the code, i put in "2", which means to return no book, but instead gives me an invalid input output.


您在代码的第71行使用 nextInt(),它获取用户提供的整数答案。然后你使用 nextLine()哪个。跳过的输入只是前一个 nextInt()调用中的换行符(它不会只读取int的整行)。

You use nextInt() on line 71 of your code, which gets the integer answer the user provides. Then you use nextLine() which Advances this scanner past the current line and returns the input that was skipped.. The input that is skipped is only the newline character from the previous nextInt() call (It doesn't read the whole line only the int).

您可以通过在输入之前调用 input.nextLine()跳过此操作,或者使用 nextLine()而不是 nextInt()并将字符串转换为整数值。

You can skip this by calling input.nextLine() once before you want the input, or by using nextLine() instead of nextInt() and converting the string to the integer value.


08-21 11:24