I just can't seem to get a hang of JavaScript promises.
In Parse, I have an attribute on a user that stores an array of Facebook friends IDs. When a new user logs in through Facebook for the first time I want to iterate through their Facebook friends that are using the app, then update those user's Facebook friends array to include this new user.
So... in user before_save I have this:
var friendsArray = user.get("facebookFriends");
// Iterate through all Facebook friends
_.each(friendsArray, function(facebookId){
// Retrieve the Facebook friend user
var query = new Parse.Query(Parse.User);
query.equalTo("facebookId", facebookId);
console.log("this executes");
query.find().then( function(){
var user = results[0];
// This does not execute
console.log("Need to update " + user.get("displayName") + "'s facebook friends");
return Parse.Promise.as();
My problem is not that different than another previous problem I encountered (Parse JavaScript SDK and Promise Chaining), except that this time I need the results of the async call before I can begin updating the user's Facebook friends array.
获取方式这是使用 Parse.Promise.when()
,当传递给它的Promise数组得到满足时,它就会被实现。并且循环可以变得更漂亮,如 _。map()
The way to accomplish this is with Parse.Promise.when()
which is fulfilled when array of promises passed to it are fulfilled. And the loop can be made prettier as _.map()
var friendsArray = user.get("facebookFriends");
var findQs = _.map(friendsArray, function(facebookId){
// Retrieve the Facebook friend user
var query = new Parse.Query(Parse.User);
query.equalTo("facebookId", facebookId);
console.log("this executes");
return query.find();
return Parse.Promise.when(findQs).then(function(){
var user = results[0];
// This will work now
console.log("Need to update " + user.get("displayName") + "'s facebook friends");
return Parse.Promise.as();
结果将是一个数组数组 - 因为find返回一个数组 - 通过var- args和下划线_.toArray()在这里很有用,即
The results will be an array of arrays -- since find returns an array --passed as var-args, and underscore _.toArray() is useful here, i.e.
return Parse.Promise.when(finds).then(function() {
var individualFindResults = _.flatten(_.toArray(arguments));
// and so on