I need to write an OCR program for digits only. I will use MNIST datasets. The problem is I do not know where to start. There are a lot of papers which doesn't really explain the algorithm. I don't really have much knowledge about pattern recognition. So I have a few questions.
Q1 : Where can I find the algorithm (or a tutorial)Q2 : How do I classify digits? I don't need very advanced things. First thing that comes to my mind is finding the ratio of upper half/lower half and left side/ right side. Is there more useful and easy classification methods.Q3 : What is back propagation and the layers which is shown in most of the papers. Do I need them for my simple OCR.
Note: I know my OCR program won't be accurate. It isn't very important for now.
If the closest engineering library to you has a section on image processing, computer vision, or machine vision, then with luck that library will have a copy of a book I recommend for OCR:
This book provides a fairly comprehensive overview of OCR techniques and recent research. It does not go into great depth on any particular subject, but it does provide references to academic papers.
Make sure you have access to a good introductory textbook on image processing. The book by Gonzalez and Woods is a standard in many universities:
即使是简单的" OCR,也会很快变得棘手.如果您不了解基本的图像处理原理,而跳入有关神经网络,贝叶斯定理等的课程,那可能会令人不知所措.
Even "simple" OCR gets tricky very quickly. It could be overwhelming if you jump into a class about neural networks, Bayes theorem, etc., before you have a firm grasp of basic image processing principles.
If you can, try writing one or more OCR algorithms for machine-printed characters before you attempt to write an algorithm for handwritten characters.
有许多用于OCR的算法. Cheriet书将为您提供一个良好的开端.
There are numerous algorithms for OCR. The Cheriet book will give you a good start.
Try implementing that technique and see how well it works. Even if the implementation doesn't work as well as you'd like, lessons learned while implementing it could help you later.
您还可以将字符细分为2 x 2网格或3 x 3网格,并检查像素的相对密度.与机器打印的字符不同,手写字符在直线网格中不能很好地对齐.
You can also subdivide a character into a 2 x 2 grid or 3 x 3 grid and check for relatively densities of pixels. Unlike machine printed characters, handwritten characters won't line up nicely in rectilinear grids.
使用归一化相关性进行模板匹配非常简单,并且对于单个已知字体的机器打印字符而言,它可以很好地工作.它实现起来相对简单,值得学习: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-correlation#Normalized_cross-correlation
Template matching using normalized correlation is simple, and it can work reasonably well for machine printed characters for a single, known font. It's relatively simple to implement and worth learning:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-correlation#Normalized_cross-correlation
For OCR it's common to thin the characters in your sample as an initial step. Thinning is a technique to reduce a character (or any other shape) to a representation that is 1 pixel wide. Once you have a thinned character it can be easier to identify lines and intersections. If you can identify lines (or curves) and intesections, then one technique is to look at the relative position and angle of each line with respect to the others.
常见的稀疏算法包括Stentiford和Zhang-Suen. WinTopo有一个免费版本,可以演示这两种算法: http://wintopo.com/
Common thinning algorithms include Stentiford and Zhang-Suen. There's a freeware version of WinTopo that demonstrates both of these algorithms:http://wintopo.com/
You can look into academic papers about "stroke extraction", but those techniques tend to be more difficult to implement.
这些术语指的是人工神经网络.对于简单的OCR算法,您将对识别逻辑进行硬编码或使用简单的训练方法.可以训练人工神经网络来识别未在软件中进行硬编码的字符. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neural_network
These terms refer to artificial neural networks. For a simple OCR algorithm you'll hard-code the recognition logic OR use simple training methods. Artificial neural networks can be trained to recognize characters that aren't hard-coded in your software.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neural_network
Although you don't need to learn about artificial neural network to write a simple OCR algorithm, a simple algorithm will have only limited success with handwritten characters.
Above all, keep in mind that OCR for handwritten characters is an extremely difficult problem. If you could achieve a handwritten character read rate of 20% with a simple technique, then consider that a success.