我有一个Jquery accordion
属性具有当前页面的URL. 我只希望在访问页面时自动打开一个特定的面板(包含该定位标记),并且其列表元素应该处于活动状态.我有一些代码,它们在最后制作了手风琴和代码片段,从而制作了列表元素积极的.但是列表元素未处于活动状态,并且面板未打开.我想我很想念东西.这是代码:
I have a Jquery accordion
, accordion has pan's, list elements and anchor tags in list elements, href
attributes of anchor tags have current page URL's. I just want that when a page is visited a particular panel (which contains that anchor tag) automatically opens and its list element should become active. I have code which make accordion and snippet in end which make list element active. But list element is not active and panel is not opened. I think I am missing something badly.Here is code:
url: "/categories",
type: 'GET',
success: function(data) {
var content = "";
content += '<div id="category-navigation">';
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
content += '<div class="head">';
content += '<label class="categoryLables">' + data[i].title;
content += '</label>';
content += '<div>';
content += '<div class="boardsMargin">';
content += '<ul>';
for (j = 0; j < data[i].assigned_boards.length; j++) {
content += '<li>';
content += "<a href='/#categories/" + data[i].id + "/boards/" + data[i].assigned_boards[j].id + "'>";
content += data[i].assigned_boards[j].name;
content += '</a>';
content += '</li>';
content += '</ul>';
content += '</div>';
content += '</div>';
content += '</div>';
content += '</div>';
heightStyle: "content",
active: true,
collapsible: true
$('.head li').each(function() {
li = $(this);
a = $('a', li);
myUrl = "";
myUrl += (location.protocol + "//" + location.hostname +
(location.port && ":" + location.port));
myUrl += (a.attr('href'));
if (myUrl == window.location.href) {
My question is quite similar to this question. And I am following its 1st answer.
For more clear view, this is picture of my accordion.
作为旁注:我正在使用ruby 2.2.1和rails 4.1
As a side note: I am working in ruby 2.2.1 and rails 4.1
$(document).find("a[href*='" + '/' + window.location.pathname + "']").parents(".head").find("h3").trigger("click");