本文介绍了从 Firebase 实时数据库 Android 查询嵌套数据的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have the structure in the image below and I want to get the whole data from the node "aaa1234" querying by "id_Usuario". How can I do that query?


DatabaseReference root = database.getReference().child("Eventos").child("participantes");
Query query = root.orderByChild("id_Usuario").equalTo(2);


Just to be more clear, the "aaa1234" is a custom key, so it will be different in the next node.



第一个是错字,我已经在评论中标明了.您将用户 ID 存储为数字,因此不应该在 equalTo 中的值周围加上引号.所以:.equalTo(2)

The first one is a typo, which I already marked in my comment. You're storing the user ID as a number, so shouldn't have quotes around the value in equalTo. So: .equalTo(2)


The second mistake is in the way you try to query:

DatabaseReference root = database.getReference().child("Eventos").child("participantes");

这将创建对不存在的子 Eventos/participantes 的引用.你想要做的是查询 Eventos,然后查询属性 participantes/id_Usuario.所以

This will create a reference to the non-existing child Eventos/participantes. What you want to do instead is query Eventos, but then against property participantes/id_Usuario. So

DatabaseReference root = database.getReference().child("Eventos");
Query query = root.orderByChild("participantes/id_Usuario").equalTo(2);

这篇关于从 Firebase 实时数据库 Android 查询嵌套数据的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-21 10:23