

我想使用Metal着色器将卡通/单元格阴影应用于场景中使用的材质.我要实现的着色器是在 MetalShaderShowcase .我对在SceneKit中实现着色器有些陌生,所以我做的所有事情都可能完全错误.

根据我对文档的了解,从iOS 9和Xcode 7开始,可以使用Metal或GL着色器修改SceneKit渲染.该文档建议这样做的方式与GL着色器相同. /p>

我的方法是尝试获取.metal文件的路径,然后将其以[String:String]字典的形式加载到要在SCNMaterial shaderModifiers属性中使用的字符串中,例如您将使用GL着色器(尽管我还没有使其正常工作).


var shaders = [String: String]()
let path = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("AAPLCelShader", ofType: "metal")!

  let celShader = try String(contentsOfFile: path, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)
  shaders[SCNShaderModifierEntryPointLightingModel] = celShader
}catch let error as NSError{
scene.rootNode.enumerateChildNodesUsingBlock({ (node, stop) -> Void in
  node.geometry?.firstMaterial?.shaderModifiers = shaders






AAPLCelShader.metal是完整的顶点/ rastex /fragment实现,这不是shaderModifiers的含义:将被注入到已经完成的着色器中的源代码.

相反,您可以创建 SCNProgram ,使用APLCLCShaSha.metal中的顶点和片段函数.与GLSL相比,Metal的优点在于,您可以使用金属函数的名称,而不是源代码字符串,它更易于使用,并导致在运行时对这些函数进行了编译,这是GLSL不支持. (这仍然不尽如人意,Swift会将Metal函数识别为类型正确,可重构的命名空间闭包.)当然,尽管GLSL SCNPrograms将转换为Metal,但对于兼容的硬件,Metal SCNPrograms不会为过时的设备进行翻译.

关于从SceneKit到rastex(名称错误的 ColorInOut )成员的映射:

float4 position [[position]];
float shine;
float3 normal_cameraspace;
float3 eye_direction_cameraspace;
float3 light_direction_cameraspace;


I'd like to use a Metal shader to apply a toon/cell shading to materials used in the scene. The shader I'm trying to implement is Apple's own AAPLCelShader found in the MetalShaderShowcase. I'm a little new to implementing shaders in SceneKit so I could be doing everything completely wrong.

From what I understand in the documentation a Metal or GL shader can be used to modify SceneKit rendering as of iOS 9 and Xcode 7. The documentation suggests that this is done in the same way as GL shaders.

My method is to try and get the path for the .metal file and then load it into a string to be used in the SCNMaterial shaderModifiers property in the form of a [String: String] dictionary, as you would with a GL shader (though I've yet to get that working properly).

My code is:

var shaders = [String: String]()
let path = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("AAPLCelShader", ofType: "metal")!

  let celShader = try String(contentsOfFile: path, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)
  shaders[SCNShaderModifierEntryPointLightingModel] = celShader
}catch let error as NSError{
scene.rootNode.enumerateChildNodesUsingBlock({ (node, stop) -> Void in
  node.geometry?.firstMaterial?.shaderModifiers = shaders

This is being run on a test scene with a single box geometry in it that is being loaded from a .scn file. The file loading works fine so that's not an issue.

The error comes from the second line where I try and find the path, it gives me the "found nil while unwrapping optional value" which would be expected with the force unwrapping, other than the fact that the file it is trying to load is most certainly in the bundle and the same code works fine with other file types, just not .metal ones.

Am I going about this completely the wrong way? I can't understand why it won't access the file other than an issue with me misusing the metal file.

Is there a simpler or better way to implement cell shading and eventually a bold outline on edges?


AAPLCelShader.metal is a complete vertex/rastex/fragment implementation, which is not what shaderModifiers are: source code that will be injected into already-complete shaders.

Instead, you can create an SCNProgram, using the vertex and fragment functions in AAPLCelShader.metal. What's nice about Metal, versus GLSL, is that you can use names of Metal functions, instead of source code strings, which is easier to work with, and results in having the functions compiled before runtime, which GLSL doesn't support. (This is still not as good as it should be, where Swift would recognize the Metal functions as correctly-typed, refactorable, namespaced closures.) Of course, while GLSL SCNPrograms will be converted to Metal, for compatible hardware, Metal SCNPrograms will not be translated for obsolete devices.

As for mapping from SceneKit to the rastex's (incorrectly-named ColorInOut) members:

float4 position [[position]];
float shine;
float3 normal_cameraspace;
float3 eye_direction_cameraspace;
float3 light_direction_cameraspace;

…I unfortunately do not have an answer for you yet.


08-21 09:18