我创建了一个Swift 2函数,该函数接受输入字符串并将其转换为标题大小写,而无需转换通常在标题中保持小写的小单词.代码在这里:
I have created a Swift 2 function that takes an input string and converts it to title case, without converting small words that are normally kept lowercase in titles. The code is here:
Function: toTitleCase
Intent: Take in String type and convert it to title case
func toTitleCase(var inputString: String) -> String {
// Convert entire input string to lower case first
inputString = inputString.lowercaseString
// A place holder for the string as it is being built
var workString = ""
// Set boolean to always convert the first word
var isFirstWord = true
// Get list of words from inputString
let words = inputString.characters.split{$0 == " "}.map(String.init)
for eachWord in words {
switch eachWord {
// If the word is in the list, do not convert it
case "a","an","by","in","of","on","the","is","for","from":
if isFirstWord {
fallthrough // If it is the first word, allow conversion
} else {
workString = workString + " " + eachWord
// For any other word, convert it
workString = workString + " " + eachWord.capitalizedString
isFirstWord = false
return workString
In the case statement, the values are hard coded, which in this situation is probably not the best idea. Since I will likely need to add more words to this list in the future, a more ideal approach would be to read the list of excluded words from a plist file into an array and have a case like this:
case [excludedWords]:
(code to skip conversion)
Obviously this will not work since you cannot compare a String type to an Array type. Is there another way to easily implement this using case, or will I need to scrap it and use something like a for-in loop?
Has anyone else developed code to implement this logic, and can you help me to find a more elegant and efficient way to do it?
您可以通过以下方式使用case let ... where
You could use contains
on the array of excluded words by using case let ... where
like this:
func toTitleCase(var inputString: String) -> String {
// Convert entire input string to lower case first
inputString = inputString.lowercaseString
// A place holder for the string as it is being built
var workString = ""
// Set boolean to always convert the first word
var isFirstWord = true
// Get list of words from inputString
let words = inputString.characters.split{$0 == " "}.map(String.init)
let excludedWords = ["a","an","by","in","of","on","the","is","for","from"]
for eachWord in words {
switch eachWord {
// If the word is in the list, do not convert it
case let word where excludedWords.contains(word):
if isFirstWord {
fallthrough // If it is the first word, allow conversion
} else {
workString = workString + " " + eachWord
// For any other word, convert it
workString = workString + " " + eachWord.capitalizedString
isFirstWord = false
return workString