

本文介绍了BASH - 如何从 CSV 文件的列中提取数据并将其放入数组中?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在学习用 Bash 编写脚本.

I am learning to script in Bash.

我有一个 5 列 22 行的 CSV 文件.我有兴趣从第二列中获取数据并将其放入数组中.

I have a CSV file with 5 columns and 22 rows. I am interested in taking the data from the second column and put it into an array.

我想要的是第一个名称在 array[0] 中,第二个在 array[1] 中,依此类推.

What I want is that the first name be in array[0], the second in array[1] and so on.

Bash 脚本:

eCollection=( $(cut -d ',' -f2 MyAssignment.csv ) )
printf "%s\n" "${eCollection[0]}"

CSV 看起来像这样.没有标题行.

The CSV looks like this. There is no line with headers.

带有 Vl18xx 数字的列是我想要拆分为数组的内容.

The column with the Vl18xx numbers is what I want to split into an array.


bash 脚本没有将第二列放入数组中,我做错了什么?

The bash script is not placing the 2nd column into the array, what am I doing wrong?


移除 IFS="," 赋值,从而让默认的 IFS 值空格、制表符、换行符应用

Remove the IFS="," assignment thereby letting the default IFS value of space, tab, newline apply


eCollection=( $(cut -d ',' -f2 MyAssignment.csv ) )
printf "%s\n" "${eCollection[0]}"

解释:由于外括号,eCollection 变量是一个数组.它使用来自 $(cut -d ',' -f2 MyAssignment.csv) 子外壳的 IFS 分隔(想想函数或命令行参数)词中的每个元素进行初始化,这是cut 命令与 ',' 分隔符一起使用并打印 MyAssignment.csv 文件中的第二个字段 -f2.

Explained: The eCollection variable is an array due to the outer parenthesis. It is initialized with each element from the IFS-separated (think function or command line arguments) words which come from the $(cut -d ',' -f2 MyAssignment.csv) subshell, which is the cut command used with the ',' delimiter and printing the second field -f2 from the MyAssignment.csv file.

printf 语句只是显示如何按索引打印任何项目,您也可以尝试 echo "${eCollection[@}]}" 来查看所有元素.

The printf statement just shows how to print any item by index, you could also try echo "${eCollection[@}]}" to see all of the elements.

这篇关于BASH - 如何从 CSV 文件的列中提取数据并将其放入数组中?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-21 08:49