



我已经决定用其他人构建的系统替换我的自定义复制系统,主要是出于可靠性目的.任何人都可以推荐任何值得的复制系统吗? FiBRE 有什么好处吗?

I have reached the point where I've decided to replace my custom-built replication system with a system that has been built by someone else, mainly for reliability purposes. Can anyone recommend any replication system that is worth it? Is FiBRE any good?


What I need might be a little away from a generic system, though. I have five departments with each having it's own copy of the database, and the master in a remote location. The departments all have sporadic internet connection, the master is always online. The data has to flow back and forth from the master, meaning that all departments need to be equal to the master (when internet connection is available), and to upload changes made during network outage that are later distributed to other departments by the master.


我已使用CopyCat创建复制项目.它允许您使用CodeGear Delphi创建自己的复制客户端/服务器配置.这样,您就可以完全灵活地执行复制的工作方式.

I have used CopyCat to create a replication project. It allows you create your own replication client/server configuration using CodeGear Delphi. This allows you complete flexibilty as to how you want your replication to work.


If you don't use Delp or need a prefabricated solution, CopyTiger does the same thing already configured.


08-21 08:47