本文介绍了计算的总和1+(1/2!)+ ...(1 / N!)n个C语言的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


就像标题说,我是如何计算的形式正数的总和:(!1/2)1+ +⋯(1 / N!)?我已经得到了code为调和级数:

Like the title say, how I calculate the sum of n number of the form: 1+(1/2!)+⋯(1/n!)? I already got the code for the harmonic series:

#include <stdio.h>

int main( void )
    int v=0,i,ch;
    double x=0.;

    printf("Introduce un número paracalcular la suma: ");
    while(scanf("%d",&v)==0 || v<=0)
        printf("Favor de introducir numeros reales positivos: ");
                return 1;
    for (i=v; i>=1; i--)

    printf("EL valor de la serie es %f\n", x);
    return 0;


The question here is.. I already got the sum as the fraction, but how make the variable "i" factorial?

注:I'm编程语言C,与DEV - C ++

Note: I´m programming in language C, with DEV -C++


您得到的谐波求和1 / I + 1 ./(I-1)... 1/1稍微更准确的答案。建议你留在这个顺序。

You got a slightly more accurate answer for the harmonic summing 1./i + 1./(i-1) ... 1./1. Suggest you stay with that order.

改写:感谢@ pablo197您指出我的方式错误

[edit] Rewrite: Thanks to @pablo197 for pointing out the error of my ways.

要计算谐波的的1+(1/2!)+ ... +(1 / N!),继续总结了至少显著术语以及第一因为这有助于最大限度地减少precision亏损。用最少的显著期限开始 1 / N ,的那笔和n-1项是:和=(1 +总和)/(N-1)等。 (见下文)

To calculate harmonic and 1+(1/2!)+…+(1/n!), continue summing the least significant terms together first as that helps to minimize precision loss. Starting with the least significant term 1/n as sum, sum of that and the n-1 term is : sum = (1 + sum)/(n-1) and so on. (See below)

double x = 0.0;
double one_over_factorial_series = 0.0;
for (i = v; i >= 1; i--) {
  x += 1.0/i;
  one_over_factorial_series = (one_over_factorial_series + 1)/i;
printf("harmonic:%le\n", x);
// 2.828968e+00
printf("one_over_factorial:%.10le\n", one_over_factorial_series);
// 1.7182815256e+00

添加 1.0 1/0! one_over_factorial_series ,结果约 E = 2.7182818284 ...


Detail showing how direct n! calculation is avoided.

1 + (1/2!) + … + (1/n!) =
1/n!  +  1/((n-1)!)   +  1/((n-2)!)  +  1/((n-3)!)  + ... + 1 =
(1/n + 1)/((n-1)!)    +  1/((n-2)!)  +  1/((n-3)!)  + ... + 1 =
((1/n + 1)/(n-1) + 1)/((n-2)!)       +  1/((n-3)!)  + ... + 1 =
((((1/n + 1)/(n-1) + 1)/(n-2) + 1)/(n-3) + 1)/(n-4) + ... =

这篇关于计算的总和1+(1/2!)+ ...(1 / N!)n个C语言的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-21 07:52