


  System.Text.Encoding .ASCII 
System.Text.Encoding.BigEndianUnicode'UTF-L 16
系统。 Text.Encoding.UTF32




  Dim data()As Byte = File.ReadAllBytes (test.txt)


通过解释BOM自动检测编码的最简单方法是让StreamReader为您完成。在 StreamReader 的构造函数中,您可以为 detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks 传递 True $ c>参数。然后,您可以通过访问其 CurrentEncoding 属性来获取流的编码。但是,在StreamReader读取BOM之前, CurrentEncoding 属性将不起作用。所以你必须首先阅读BOM,然后才能获得编码,例如:

 公共函数GetFileEncoding String)As Encoding 
使用sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader(filePath,True)

但是,这种方法的问题是似乎暗示 StreamReader 只能检测某些类型的编码:

此外,如果 StreamReader 不能从BOM确定编码,或者如果BOM不存在,它将默认为UTF-8编码,而不会给你任何方式知道它失败。如果你需要更精细的控制,你可以很容易地读取BOM和自己解释。所有你需要做的是将字节数组中的前几个字节与一些已知的预期BOM进行比较,看看它们是否匹配。以下是一些常见BOM的列表:

  • UTF-8: EF BB BF

  • UTF-16 big endian字节顺序: FE FF

  • 字节顺序: FF FE

  • UTF-32大端字节顺序: 00 00 FE FF

  • UTF-32小尾数字节顺序: FF FE 00 00


  If(data(0)=& HFF)And(data(1)=& HFE`Then 

方便地, code> Encoding .NET中的类包含一个名为 GetPreamble 的方法,该方法返回编码使用的BOM,因此,要获得UTF-16(小端)的BOM,您只需这样做:

  Dim bom()As byte = Encoding.Unicode.GetPreamble()
If(data(0)= bom(0))And(data(1)= bom(1)Then

.NET Encoding 类提供了一个名为 GetEncodings 的共享方法,它返回所有支持的编码对象的列表。因此,您可以创建一个循环遍历所有编码对象的方法,获取每个编码对象的BOM,并将其与字节数组进行比较,直到找到匹配的对象。例如:

  public function DetectEncodingFromBom(data()As Byte)As Encoding 
Dim detectedEncoding As Encoding = Nothing
每个信息As EncodingInfo In Encoding.GetEncodings()
Dim currentEncoding As Encoding = info.GetEncoding()
Dim preamble()As Byte = currentEncoding.GetPreamble()
Dim match As Boolean = True
If(preamble.Length> 0)And(preamble.Length< = data.Length)then
For i As Integer = 0 To preamble.Length - 1
如果preamble(i)<> data(i)then
match = False
匹配= False
detectedEncoding = currentEncoding


  Dim data()As Byte = File.ReadAllBytes(test.txt)
Dim detectedEncoding As Encoding = DetectEncodingFromBom(data)
如果detectedEncoding is Nothing然后


正如你所指出的,即使没有BOM,仍然有自动检测编码的应用程序,但是他们通过启发式方法(即有根据的猜测)他们不准确。基本上,它们使用每个编码加载数据,然后查看数据是否看起来可理解。 提供了有关记事本检测算法。 显示了如何使用基于COM的Internet Explorer使用的自动检测算法(在C#中)。下面是一些人们编写的尝试自动检测字节数组编码的一些C#库的列表,您可能会发现它们有帮助:


I need to determine if a text file's content is equal to one of these text encodings:

System.Text.Encoding.BigEndianUnicode ' UTF-L 16
System.Text.Encoding.Default ' ANSI
System.Text.Encoding.Unicode ' UTF16

I don't know how to read the byte marks of the files, I've seen snippets doing this but only can determine if file is ASCII or Unicode, therefore I need something more universal.


The first step is to load the file as a byte array instead of as a string. Strings are always stored in memory with UTF-16 encoding, so once it's loaded into a string, the original encoding is lost. Here's a simple example of one way to load a file into a byte array:

Dim data() As Byte = File.ReadAllBytes("test.txt")

Automatically determining the correct encoding for a given byte array is notoriously difficult. Sometimes, to be helpful, the author of the data will insert something called a BOM (Byte Order Mark) at the beginning of the data. If a BOM is present, that makes detecting the encoding very painless, since each encoding uses a different BOM.

The easiest way to automatically detect the encoding by interpreting the BOM is to let the StreamReader do it for you. In the constructor of the StreamReader, you can pass True for the detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks argument. Then you can get the encoding of the stream by accessing its CurrentEncoding property. However, the CurrentEncoding property won't work until after the StreamReader has read the BOM. So you you first have to read past the BOM before you can get the encoding, for instance:

Public Function GetFileEncoding(filePath As String) As Encoding
    Using sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader(filePath, True)
        Return sr.CurrentEncoding
    End Using
End Function

However, the problem to this approach is that the MSDN seems to imply that the StreamReader may only detect certain kinds of encodings:

Also, if the StreamReader is incapable of determining the encoding from the BOM, or if the BOM isn't there, it will just default to UTF-8 encoding without giving you any way to know that it failed. If you need more granular control than that, you can pretty easily read the BOM and interpret it yourself. All you have to do is compare the first few bytes in the byte array with some known, expected BOM's to see if they match. Here is a list of some common BOM's:

  • UTF-8: EF BB BF
  • UTF-16 big endian byte order: FE FF
  • UTF-16 little endian byte order: FF FE
  • UTF-32 big endian byte order: 00 00 FE FF
  • UTF-32 little endian byte order: FF FE 00 00

So, for instance, to see if a UTF-16 (little endian) BOM exists at the beginning of the byte array, you could simply do something like this:

If (data(0) = &HFF) And (data(1) = &HFE` Then
    ' Data starts with UTF-16 (little endian) BOM
End If

Conveniently, the Encoding class in .NET contains a method called GetPreamble which returns the BOM used by the encoding, so you don't even need to remember what they all are. So, to get the BOM for UTF-16 (little endian), you could just do this:

Dim bom() As Byte = Encoding.Unicode.GetPreamble()
If (data(0) = bom(0)) And (data(1) = bom(1) Then
    ' Data starts with UTF-16 (little endian) BOM
End If

Also conveniently, the .NET Encoding class provides a shared method called GetEncodings which returns a list of all of the supported encoding objects. Therefore, you could create a method which loops through all of the encoding objects, gets the BOM of each one and compares it to the byte array until you find one that matches. For instance:

Public Function DetectEncodingFromBom(data() As Byte) As Encoding
    Dim detectedEncoding As Encoding = Nothing
    For Each info As EncodingInfo In Encoding.GetEncodings()
        Dim currentEncoding As Encoding = info.GetEncoding()
        Dim preamble() As Byte = currentEncoding.GetPreamble()
        Dim match As Boolean = True
        If (preamble.Length > 0) And (preamble.Length <= data.Length) Then
            For i As Integer = 0 To preamble.Length - 1
                If preamble(i) <> data(i) Then
                    match = False
                    Exit For
                End If
            match = False
        End If
        If match Then
            detectedEncoding = currentEncoding
            Exit For
        End If
    Return detectedEncoding
End Function

Once you make a function like that, then you could detect the encoding like this:

Dim data() As Byte = File.ReadAllBytes("test.txt")
Dim detectedEncoding As Encoding = DetectEncodingFromBom(data)
If detectedEncoding Is Nothing Then
    Console.WriteLine("Unable to detect encoding")
End If

However, the problem remains, how do you automatically detect the correct encoding when there is no BOM? Technically it's recommended that you don't place a BOM at the beginning of your data when using UTF-8, and there is no BOM defined for any of the ANSI code pages. So it's certainly not out of the realm of possibility that a text file may not have a BOM. If all the files you deal with are in English, it's probably safe to assume that if no BOM is present, UTF-8 will suffice, but if any file is using a something else, that won't work.

As you point out, there are applications that still automatically detect the encoding anyway, even without a BOM, but they do it through heuristics (i.e. educated guessing), and sometimes they are not accurate. Basically they load the data using each encoding and then see if the data "looks" intelligible. This page offers some interesting insights on the problems inside the Notepad auto-detection algorithm. This page shows how you can tap into the COM-based auto-detection algorithm which Internet Explorer uses (in C#). Here is a list of some C# libraries that people have written which attempt to auto-detect the encoding of a byte array, which you may find helpful:

Even though this question was for C#, you may also find the answers to it useful.


08-21 07:28