

我知道我们可以使用import {x} from "./file",并且将从同一个目录中的file.js导入变量x.如果目录中存在具有相同扩展名的同名文件,该如何处理?

I understand that we can use import {x} from "./file" and a variable x will be imported from file.js in the same directory. How is this handled if there are files of the same name with different extensions in the directory?

例如,如果在同一目录中有file.js和file.ts,import {x} from "./file"的行为如何?取决于javascript的版本吗?

For example, if there were file.js and file.ts in the same directory, how would import {x} from "./file" behave? Would it depend on the version of javascript?



No, it depends on the behavior of JavaScript runtime, that is, the thing that executes your script.

在支持ES模块(ESM)的浏览器中,不会将扩展名添加到您import的URL中-如果您的文件具有扩展名.js,则必须编写import {x} from "./file.js".浏览器没有有用的方法来查找服务器上可用扩展名的文件.

In a browser with support for ES Modules (ESM), no extensions will be added to the URL that you import - if your file for example has .js extension, you have to write import {x} from "./file.js". Browsers have no useful way of looking up which files with which extensions are available on the server.


In browsers without native support for ESM, you have to transpile your modules to a bundled format which can run in browser. In this case, it depends on the behaviour of the specific bundler you choose to use (see below).

在支持ESM的Node.js版本中,运行时不会搜索扩展,但会按名称解析node_modules中的模块.例如,import 'lodash'可以解析为./node_modules/lodash/index.mjs,而无需知道index.mjs的扩展名.

In Node.js versions which support ESM, the runtime will not search for extensions, but it will resolve modules from node_modules by name. For example import 'lodash' could resolve to ./node_modules/lodash/index.mjs, without you needing to know that the extension of index.mjs.

在不支持ESM的Node.js版本中,您不能使用import-您必须首先将模块转换为CommonJS格式,最终将使用require. require包含将在文件系统中搜索的扩展名列表.

In Node.js versions which do not support ESM, you can't use import - you have to transpile the module to CommonJS format first, which will end up using require. require has a list of extensions that it will search the filesystem for.



When you transpile or compile your script, which extensions are recognized depends on the compiler and the settings you provide for compilation.

例如,在webpack中,存在受支持的扩展的预定义列表-'.wasm',' .mjs','.js','.json',但可以使用webpack.config.js文件中的noreferrer> resolve.extension 设置.

In webpack, for example, there is predefined list of supported extensions - '.wasm', '.mjs', '.js', '.json', but it could be changed by using resolve.extension setting in your webpack.config.js file.

如果将webpack ts-loader 插件一起使用,则.ts文件扩展名是也可以识别,但是加载程序会尝试将其打包,以便将.ts文件编译为.js文件,并在捆绑时尝试使用该编译后的.js文件.

If you use webpack with ts-loader plugin, .ts file extension is also recognized, but the loader will try to make it so that .ts file is compiled into .js file, and will try to use that compiled .js file when bundling.


If you use plain typescript compiler to compile your scripts, the compiler will look for a file with '.ts' extension to perform type checking, but it will generate code which will look for a file with '.js' extension when you will run the script. Also, if the file with '.ts' extension is compiled, the compiler will write generated code in the file with '.js' extension and may overwrite your javascript file if you have one, depending on the setting which tells it where to output '.js' files.


10-28 04:57