


I would like to initialize a Set with values corresponding to the Hashable protocol and a custom protocol.


protocol CustomProtocol: Hashable {}

let set = Set<CustomProtocol>()



How can I achieve that ?



你能做到的直接原因做你想做的是Hashable是一种通用协议。因此,它 - 或从中派生的协议 - 不能用作Set的元素类型。泛型类型只能用作另一个泛型中的约束。您会注意到,即使set的元素类型必须符合为Hashable,您也不能声明 Set< Hashable>

The immediate reason why you can't do what you want to do is that Hashable is a generic protocol. Thus it — or a protocol that derives from it — cannot be used as a Set's element type. A generic type can used only as a constraint in another generic. You will notice that you can't declare a Set<Hashable> either, even though a set's element type must conform to Hashable.


The simplest approach is to make, not a set of protocols, but a set of some object type. For example, if S is a struct that conforms to CustomProtocol (because it conforms to Hashable plus whatever else CustomProtocol entails), you can declare a set of S.


protocol CustomProtocol: Hashable {


func ==(lhs:S,rhs:S) -> Bool {
    return lhs.name == rhs.name

struct S : CustomProtocol {
    var name : String
    var hashValue : Int { return name.hashValue }

let set = Set<S>()

如果你想要解决的问题是你想要一个混合类型的集合,但它们在某种程度上是彼此相同的,那么协议扩展就解决了同样的问题,如下所述面向协议的WWDC 2015视频中的讨论。

If the problem you're trying to solve is that you want a collection of mixed types which are nevertheless in some way equatable to one another, then that is the very same problem solved by protocol extensions, as explained by the discussion in the Protocol-Oriented WWDC 2015 video.


But it would be simpler just to make all your types classes that derive from NSObject. You can still make them adopt some secondary protocol, of course, but the set won't be defined as a set of that protocol but of NSObject.


10-28 03:59