


How do we or can we use node modules via npm with Meteor?


Or is that something that will be dependent on the packaging API?


Or is there a prescribed method that is recommended?



If you can use 1.3, then check http://guide.meteor.com/using-packages.html#installing-npm.


For example, to use moment.js:

meteor npm install --save moment


import moment from 'moment';

// this is equivalent to the standard node require:
const moment = require('moment');


If you need to use an older version of Meteor, read the rest of the answer below.

Pre-Meteor 1.3


Since v0.6.0, Meteor integrates directly with NPM modules with the help of a 3rd party package. For example, to use a module like ws,

  1. 运行 sudo npm install -g ws (或本地安装,请参阅中的任何一个=http://meteorhacks.com/complete-npm-integration-for-meteor.html\"rel =nofollow noreferrer> NPM包由Arunoda开发。

    You can use any of the more than 230,000 NPM modules directly with Meteor thanks to the NPM package developed by Arunoda.

    您还可以从智能包中定义Npm包的依赖关系 - 来自:

    You can also define dependencies on Npm packages from smart packages - from the initial announcement of npm support:

    您的智能包现在可以通过添加对 Npm.depends的调用直接定义依赖项 in package.js

    Your smart package can now define dependencies directly, by adding a call to Npm.depends in package.js:

      "awssum": "0.12.2",
      "underscore.string": "2.3.1"


    All of this works well with hot code reload, just like the rest of Meteor. When you make changes, the bundler will automatically download missing npm packages and re-pin its dependencies.

    要在服务器代码中使用NPM模块,请使用 Npm.require 因为您通常使用普通的 require 。值得注意的是, __ meteor_bootstrap __。require 已被删除,其所有用途已转换为 Npm.require

    To use an NPM module within server code, use Npm.require as you would normally use plain require. Notably, __meteor_bootstrap__.require has been eliminated and all of its uses have been converted to Npm.require.


10-28 03:30