


I am trying to plot a venn diagram in an optimized way (see below) and with the cases as internal labels (not the number of cases in each intersection). I know there are post for each of them but non of the solutions allowed me to do both.


x <- list()
x$A <- as.character(c("Per_36","Cent","CeM","vDG","LAVL","RSGd"))
x$B <- as.character(c("vCA1","DLE","Per_36","vDG","DIE","Per_35"))
x$C <- as.character(c("vCA1","Cg1","LAVL", "RSGc", "RSGd","Per_35","Per_36"))
x$D <- as.character(c("Por","Cg1","RSGc","LAVL","Per_35","RSGd","Per_36"))

v0 <-venn.diagram(x, lwd = 3, col = c("red", "green", "orange", "blue"),
                fill = c("red", "blue", "green", "orange"), apha = 0.5, filename = NULL)
overlaps <- calculate.overlap(x)
overlaps <- rev(overlaps)
for (i in 1:length(overlaps)){
  v0[[i+8]]$label <- paste(overlaps[[i]], collapse = "\n")




Regarding the organization of the venn diagramI want to do this:

c <- venn(x, simplify = TRUE, small = 0.5, intersections = TRUE)

.但是,在venn函数中,我似乎无法用标签名称代替计数.我使用的交集= TRUE,通过参数的说明应该可以,但是不能(尽管如果我查看变量c的内部,信息​​就在那里).

which I got from package gplots() using the venn function with simplify = TRUE. However, in the venn function, I seem to no be able to replace the counts by the names of the labels. I used the intersections = TRUE, which by the description of the argument should work, but it doesn't (although if I look inside the variable c, the info is there).

    Logical flag indicating if the returned object should have the attribute
"individuals.in.intersections" featuring for every set a list of individuals
 that are assigned to it.


Question: Using VennDiagrampackage, is there a way to do exactly the same as the simplify argument does in the venn function from gplots package?


Question 2: Using the venn function from gplots package, is there a way to display the names of each element instead of the element counts? Like I did in the 'venn.diagram' function?




Here is my approach which is by far no solution rather a hack.

# Print a venn and save it to an object
a <- venn(list(letters[1:5], letters[3:8]))
# save the intersections
b <- attr(a, "intersections")

# find the coordinates
s <- seq(0,500,100); abline(h=s); text(s, y=s, x=0)
s <- seq(0,500,50);  abline(v=s); text(s, y=0, x=s)
# the hack, destroy the venn to avoid the plotting of the internal numbers
rownames(a) <- letters[1:nrow(a)]
>Error in data[n, 1] : subscript out of bounds

# include the internal labels
text(200,300,paste(b$`01`,collapse = "\n"))
text(200,200,paste(b$`11`,collapse = "\n"))
text(200,100,paste(b$`10`,collapse = "\n"))


It's annoying with multiple venns. Otherwise you can save the venn as an .svg and edit it with inkscape or similar softwares or ask the developer by email.

如果您的图看起来相同,则可以检查venn函数的源代码(在RStudio中,单击F2),然后复制粘贴4个和5个圆形venn的位置,并用所需的标签替换标签函数lab("1000", data).

If your plots looking alwas the same you can check the source code for the venn function (In RStudio by hitting F2) and copy paste the positions for 4 and 5 circle venns and replace the labels function lab("1000", data) with your desired labels.


      text(35, 250, lab("1000", data))
      text(140, 315, lab("0100", data))
      text(260, 315, lab("0010", data))
      text(365, 250, lab("0001", data))
      text(90, 280, lab("1100", data), cex = small)
      text(95, 110, lab("1010", data))
      text(200, 50, lab("1001", data), cex = small)
      text(200, 290, lab("0110", data))
      text(300, 110, lab("0101", data))
      text(310, 280, lab("0011", data), cex = small)
      text(130, 230, lab("1110", data))
      text(245, 75, lab("1101", data), cex = small)
      text(155, 75, lab("1011", data), cex = small)
      text(270, 230, lab("0111", data))
      text(200, 150, lab("1111", data))


08-21 06:23