本文介绍了在 d3 中使用箭头函数的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


有可能吗?我不确定,因为 d3 大量使用 this 重新绑定,这似乎与 ES6 规范.

Is it possible? I am not sure, since d3 makes heavy use of this rebindings and this seems to conflict with ES6 spec.


// Working fine
var data = [1,2,3]
var svg = d3.select('body').append('svg').attr('height', 500).attr('width', 500).style('background-color', 'orange');
var gs = svg.selectAll('g').data(data).enter();
    .attr('cx', function () { return Math.random()*500; })
    .attr('cy', function () { return Math.random()*500; })
    .attr('r', function () { return Math.random()*100; })
    .each(function () { console.log(this); });  // this is bound to the current element in the enter selection

虽然以下没有按预期工作(this 未绑定到输入选择中的当前元素,而是绑定到 Window 对象):

While the following does not work as expected (this is not bound to the current element in the enter selection but to Window object):

var data = [1,2,3]
var svg = d3.select('body').append('svg').attr('height', 500).attr('width', 500).style('background-color', 'blue');
var gs = svg.selectAll('g').data(data).enter();
    .attr('cx', () => Math.random()*500)
    .attr('cy', () => Math.random()*500)
    .attr('r', () => Math.random()*100)
    .each(() => console.log(this)); // this is bound to Window object




You can use arrow functions if you don't need access to this of the current element.

在您想要访问当前元素的 this 的情况下回退到旧样式函数.

Fallback to the old style functions for cases where you want to access this of the current element.


Or use explicit binding to allow your function (not arrow function) to access whatever object you want using .bind()

为了避免使用 this,您可以选择使用 d3 名称或类选择器来方便地访问任何元素.例如:

To avoid working with this you have the option of using d3 name or class selectors to conveniently access any element. e.g.:

var stuffINeed = svg.selectAll('.someClass');

这篇关于在 d3 中使用箭头函数的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-21 05:38