





对于第一个问题,有几个解决方案可用:,但我没有'看到任何实际完整的工作代码。 具有我想要的箭头外观,但代码是不透明的,不是

正如我所说,我的链接是基于Curved Links示例定义的:

var s = nodes [link.source],
t =节点[link.target],
i = {},//中间节点
property1 = link.property1;
links.push :s,target:i},{source:i,target:t});


link.attr ,函数(d){
if(d [0] == d [2]){
返回M+ d [0] .x +,+ d [0]。 y
+A+20,20 -50 1,1+(1.001 * d [2] .x)+,+(1.001 * d [2] .y)
} else {
returnM+ d [0] .x +,+ d [0] .y
+S+ d [1] .x + ,+ d [1] .y
++ d [2] .x +,+ d [2] .y;
} $ b node.attr(transform,function(d){
returntranslate(+ dx +,+ dy +);
} ;




/ div>


  • JSON节点属性具有透明度的颜色圆圈

  • JSON链接属性的颜色曲线边和箭头

  • 链接在节点边界开始和结束,因此它们不与开始/结束节点重叠

  • 匹配反射边缘的样式(即源和目标是相同的节点)

  • 也支持更改边缘厚度和透明度

还有一些其他的东西,你想调整自己的应用程序。例如,我向我的节点数据添加了一个 radius 变量,包括属性的适当缩放(当前 group )到圆的半径,那么对于圆的它 .attr(r,function(d){return d.radius;} 。以获得节点的圈子的 r 在强制函数中使用(我喜欢,我会喜欢,如果有人可以弄清楚),所以这是我的解决方案。 p>


My question is how to create a network visualization scheme such that the edges and/or arrowheads terminate at the borders of the nodes.

I am drawing a directed graph using D3.js based on the Curved Links base model with added "marker" arrowheads as described in this other question. The nodes in my visualization vary their size and opacity based on their properties. This introduces two problems: (1) The arrowheads do not point to the edge of the nodes when the nodes change size, and (2) the tails of the edges appear through the nodes when they are partially transparent.

For the first problem, there are a few solutions available: this one purports to get the arrow heads offset correctly, but it does not affect the link end terminations. There are also suggestions of solutions here, but I didn't see any actual complete working code there. This JS fiddle has exactly the arrowhead look that I'd like, but the code is rather opaque and not modular in a way I can figure out how to apply to my own case.

As I said, my links are defined based on the Curved Links example:

graph.links.forEach(function(link) {
    var s = nodes[link.source],
        t = nodes[link.target],
        i = {}, // intermediate node
    property1 = link.property1;
    links.push({source: s, target: i}, {source: i, target: t});
    bilinks.push([s, i, t, property1]);

Then, if my loose understanding of how D3 works is basically correct, the links are drawn each tick via the following code:

force.on("tick", function() {
  link.attr("d", function(d) {
    if (d[0] == d[2]) {
      return "M" + d[0].x + "," + d[0].y
        + "A" + "20,20 -50 1,1 " + (1.001 * d[2].x) + "," + (1.001 * d[2].y)
    } else {
     return "M" + d[0].x + "," + d[0].y
        + "S" + d[1].x + "," + d[1].y
        + " " + d[2].x + "," + d[2].y;
  node.attr("transform", function(d) {
    return "translate(" + d.x + "," + d.y + ")";

So my question is how to change this code in a way that achieves the generally desired (and I think normal) visualization scheme such that the edges and/or arrowheads terminate at the border of the nodes even as they change size.

I've created a JS Fiddle that includes all the necessary bits to see and solve the problem. It also includes an adjustment for getting the arrowheads to match the links they are on, and that capability needs to be compatible with the solution to this issue.


Since I wasn't getting any responses I went ahead and powered through answering my own question. As result, the answer I came up with is probably not the best because I'm still new to all this, but it works and it's similar to this answer...heavily adapted to handle the curved links and reflexive links.

The core of the necessary change is the following code:

force.on("tick", function() {
  link.attr("d", function(d) {
    diffX0 = d[0].x - d[1].x;
    diffY0 = d[0].y - d[1].y;
    diffX2 = d[2].x - d[1].x;
    diffY2 = d[2].y - d[1].y;
    pathLength01 = Math.sqrt((diffX0 * diffX0) + (diffY0 * diffY0));
    pathLength12 = Math.sqrt((diffX2 * diffX2) + (diffY2 * diffY2));
    offsetX0 = 1.00 * (diffX0 * d[0].group ) / pathLength01;
    offsetY0 = 1.00 * (diffY0 * d[0].group) / pathLength01;
    offsetX2 = (4.0 * (diffX2 / Math.abs(diffX2) )) + ((diffX2 * d[2].group) / pathLength12);
    offsetY2 = (4.0 * (diffY2 / Math.abs(diffY2) )) + ((diffY2 * d[2].group) / pathLength12);

    if (d[0] == d[2]) {
     return "M" + (d[0].x) + "," + (d[0].y - d[0].group)
        + "A" + "20,23 -50 1,1 "
        + " " + (d[2].x + (5.0 * 0.866) + (0.866 * d[2].group))
        + "," + (d[2].y + (5.0 * 0.5) + (0.5 * d[2].group));
    } else {
     return "M" + (d[0].x - offsetX0) + "," + (d[0].y - offsetY0)
        + "S" + (1.01 * d[1].x) + "," + (1.01 * d[1].y)
        + " " + (d[2].x - offsetX2) + "," + (d[2].y - offsetY2);
  node.attr("transform", function(d) {
    return "translate(" + d.x + "," + d.y + ")";

This is designed to work with the arrowhead marker offset to 6 (i.e. .attr("refX", 6)) so that the end of the link is nearly in the middle of the arrowhead and the arrowhead extends about 4 units further toward the node. The arrowheads and the link tails are therefore offset by different amounts to the node border, so if you aren't using a directed graph you will need to adjust the target end's offset to match the source end and get them both right on the border.

Here is an updated JSFiddle that includes all the features necessary to do a directed force layout that includes:

  • Color circles by JSON node property with transparency
  • Color curved edges AND arrowheads by JSON link property
  • Links begin and end at node borders so they do not overlap the start/end nodes
  • Matches style for reflexive edges (that is, source and target are the same node)
  • Changing edge thickness and transparency is also supported

There are some other things that you'll want to tweak for your own application. For example, I added a radius variable to my node data that includes the proper scaling of the property (currently group) to the circle radius, then for the circle it's .attr("r", function(d) { return d.radius;}. I couldn't figure out a way to get the node's circle's r to use in the force function (which I prefer and I would love if somebody could figure out), so that was my work-around.

I think that wraps up a lot of visualization features that I expected to be standard for a tool like D3, but instead were impossible to find and somewhat difficult to implement. But now it's done, and I hope this will save some other people a lot of time in implementing directed networks in D3.


08-21 05:38