本文介绍了“svn: E195019: Redirect cycle detection for URL"的原因是什么?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


尝试从我的 SVN 存储库结帐给我

svn: E195019: 检测到 URL 的重定向循环...


如其他帖子所述(参见 tortoise svn 给我检测到 URL 'domain/svn' 的重定向循环"),如果 SVN DAV 配置错误,例如,使用 SVNParentPath,而应该使用 SVNPath,则会发生此错误.但是,我的配置似乎是正确的,而且 - 据我所知 - 只有在代理后面时才会出现问题.


ServerAlias svn.mydomain.com<位置/myrepo>DAV SVNSVNPath/var/www/vhosts/mydomain.com/svn/myrepoAuthType 基本AuthName "mydomain svn"AuthUserFile/var/www/vhosts/svn.mydomain.com/conf/htpasswd-myproject# 允许任何人只读访问,否则需要# 需要认证需要有效用户</位置>


似乎此错误消息与 subversion 存储库位于目录 svn/myrepo 中的事实有关,其中目录 svn 也被列为子域 svn.mydomain.com 的 DocumentRoot.该 DocumentRoot 指令对我来说并不明显,因为子域的文档根是在不同的 conf 文件中配置的(我使用 Plesk 来维护服务器).这造成了某种模棱两可.一旦我将子域的文档根目录移动到其他位置,错误消息就消失了.

这个问题很难追查,因为 - 据我所知 -

  • 如果 repo 位于子域的顶级,即 SVNPath/var/www/vhosts/,则不会出现错误mydomain.com/svn 在上面的配置中.

  • 只有通过代理访问存储库时才会显示错误.

  • 与 DocumentRoot 的冲突并不那么明显,因为它是一个子域.

总结一下:解决方案(使用 Plesk 时):将 Plesk 设置 (GUI) 中子域的DocumentRoot"更改为与 SVN 目录不同的内容.www.mydomain.com 的DocumentRoot"是 httpdocs.svn.mydomain.com 的DocumentRoot"是(默认情况下)svn.我将其更改为 httpdocs-svn 并且问题消失了.文件夹 httpdocs-svn 未在我的设置中使用,因为 svn.mydomain.com 下的所有内容均由 DavSVN 处理.

Trying to checkout from my SVN repo gives me

    svn: E195019: Redirect cycle detected for URL ...

However, it appears as if this error only occurs when I am behind some (specific) proxy server.

As discussed in other post (see tortoise svn giving me "Redirect cycle detected for URL 'domain/svn'" ), this error occurs if the SVN DAV is misconfigured, e.g., using SVNParentPath where one should use SVNPath. However, my configuration appears to be correct and - as far as I know - the problem only occurs when behind a proxy.

The setup of the repository is more or less standard, e.g.,

    ServerAlias  svn.mydomain.com
    <Location /myrepo>
        DAV svn
        SVNPath /var/www/vhosts/mydomain.com/svn/myrepo
        AuthType Basic
        AuthName "mydomain svn"
        AuthUserFile /var/www/vhosts/svn.mydomain.com/conf/htpasswd-myproject
        # Allow read-only access to anyone, otherwise require
        # require authentication
            Require valid-user

(I given an answer to my own question, after using half a weekend to search for the solution):

It appears as if this error message is related to the fact that the subversion repository is located in a directory svn/myrepo where the directory svn is also listed as the DocumentRoot of the subdomain svn.mydomain.com. That DocumentRoot directive was not obvious to me, since the document root of the subdomain was configered in a different conf file (I am using Plesk to maintain the server).This created some kind of ambiguity. Once I moved the document root of the subdomain to a different location, the error message went away.

The problem was hard to track down, because - as far as I know -

  • The error does not appear if the repo is located at the top level of the subdomain, i.e. <Location /> and SVNPath /var/www/vhosts/mydomain.com/svn in the above configuration.

  • The error only shows up if the repo is accessed via a proxy.

  • The clash with DocumentRoot was not so obvious, because it was a subdomain.

So to summarize: the solution (when using Plesk): Change the "DocumentRoot" of the subdomain in the Plesk setup (GUI) to something different form the SVN directory. The "DocumentRoot" of www.mydomain.com is httpdocs. The "DocumentRoot" of svn.mydomain.com was (by default) svn. I changed that to httpdocs-svn and the problem was gone. The folder httpdocs-svn isn't used in my setup since everything below svn.mydomain.com is handled by DavSVN.

这篇关于“svn: E195019: Redirect cycle detection for URL"的原因是什么?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-21 05:25