本文介绍了ggplot:为每个连续的x组排列多个y变量的箱形图的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 我想为连续x变量的组创建多个变量的箱型图。这些箱子图应该排列在一起,用于每组x. 数据如下所示: $ require(ggplot2) require(plyr) library(reshape2) x< (100) y.1 - rnorm(100) y.2 - rnorm(100) y.3 - rorm(100)$ b $ (x,y.1,y.2,y.3,y.4))b_4 df 然后我融化了 dfmelt 此解决方案中显示的facet_wrap( 这显示了每个旁边的y变量 ggplot(dfmelt)+ geom_boxplot(aes(x = x,y = value,fill = variable))+ facet_grid(〜变量) 现在我想为x的每个bin生成一个这样的图。 什么需要改变或添加?解决方案不完全确定你在找什么。这是关闭吗? library(ggplot2) library(plyr) ggplot(dfmelt,aes(x = factor(round_any (x,0.5)),y = value,fill = variable))+ geom_boxplot()+ facet_grid(。〜variable)+ labs(x =X(binned) )+ theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = -90,vjust = 0.4,hjust = 1)) 编辑(回复OP的评论) 您可以将Y的每个相邻放入每个垃圾箱通过取出 facet_grid(...)调用,但我不推荐它。 ggplot(dfmelt,aes(x = factor(round_any(x,0.5)),y = value,fill = variable))+ geom_boxplot()+ labs( x =X(binned))+ theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = -90,vjust = 0.4,hjust = 1)) $ b $ p $ 如果你必须这样做t他的方式,使用方面仍然更清楚: dfmelt $ bin ggplot(dfmelt,aes(x = bin,y = value,fill = variable))+ geom_boxplot()+ facet_grid(。〜bin,scales =free)+ labs(x =X(binned))+ theme(axis.text.x = element_blank()) 请注意,在 dfmelt 中添加了 bin 列。这是因为在 facet_grid(...)公式中使用因子(round_any(x,0.5)) doesn' t工作。 I would like to create boxplots of multiple variables for groups of a continuous x-variable. The boxplots should be arranged next to each other for each group of x.The data looks like this:require (ggplot2)require (plyr)library(reshape2)set.seed(1234)x <- rnorm(100)y.1 <- rnorm(100)y.2 <- rnorm(100)y.3 <- rnorm(100)y.4 <- rnorm(100)df <- as.data.frame(cbind(x,y.1,y.2,y.3,y.4))which I then melteddfmelt <- melt(df, measure.vars=2:5)The facet_wrap as shown in this solution (Multiple plots by factor in ggplot (facets))gives me out each variable in an individual plot, but I would like to have the boxplots of each variable next to each other for each bin of x in one diagram.ggplot(dfmelt, aes(value, x, group = round_any(x, 0.5), fill=variable))+geom_boxplot() +geom_jitter() +facet_wrap(~variable)This shows the y-variables next to each other but does not bin x.ggplot(dfmelt) +geom_boxplot(aes(x=x,y=value,fill=variable))+facet_grid(~variable)Now I would like to produce such a plot for each bin of x.What has to be changed or added? 解决方案 Not exactly sure what you're looking for. Is this close?library(ggplot2)library(plyr)ggplot(dfmelt, aes(x=factor(round_any(x,0.5)), y=value,fill=variable))+ geom_boxplot()+ facet_grid(.~variable)+ labs(x="X (binned)")+ theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=-90, vjust=0.4,hjust=1))EDIT (response to OP's comment)You can put the Y's next to each other in each bin by just taking out the facet_grid(...) call, but I don't recommend it.ggplot(dfmelt, aes(x=factor(round_any(x,0.5)), y=value, fill=variable))+ geom_boxplot()+ labs(x="X (binned)")+ theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=-90, vjust=0.4,hjust=1))If you have to do it this way, it's still clearer using facets:dfmelt$bin <- factor(round_any(dfmelt$x,0.5))ggplot(dfmelt, aes(x=bin, y=value, fill=variable))+ geom_boxplot()+ facet_grid(.~bin, scales="free")+ labs(x="X (binned)")+ theme(axis.text.x=element_blank())Note the addition of a bin column to dfmelt. This is because using factor(round_any(x,0.5)) in the facet_grid(...) formula doesn't work. 这篇关于ggplot:为每个连续的x组排列多个y变量的箱形图的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
09-05 20:44