本文介绍了转换XML => JSON =>基于XSD架构的XML的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在这个主题上看到了很多话题,但没有一个答案.实际上是否有一个JAVA库可以使用XSD架构进行XML => JSON => XML的转换,从而更好地处理XML中单个元素的问题.

I saw lots of threads on this topic but not one with an answer.Is there actually a JAVA library which can make a conversion XML => JSON => XML using an XSD Schema to better handle the problematic of single element in XML.


(a single element in XML can be an array or a single object depending of the XSD schema)




    {"root": [{"person": [{"name": "test"}]}]}


or anything with object instead of array :

    {"root": {"person": {"name": "test"}}}


But with XSD we would know from the maxoccurs parameters that root is unique, person is an array and name is unique, so the good transformation would be :

    {"root": {"person":
        [{"name": "foofdo"}]



如果您使用的是 Java 8 或更高版本,则应签出我的开源库: unXml . unXml基本上是从Xpaths映射到Json属性.

If you are using Java 8 or later, you should check out my open source library: unXml. unXml basically maps from Xpaths to Json-attributes.

可以在 Maven Central 中使用.


import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
import com.nerdforge.unxml.factory.ParsingFactory;
import com.nerdforge.unxml.parsers.Parser;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;

public class Parser {
  public ObjectNode parseXml(String xml){
    Parsing parsing = ParsingFactory.getInstance().create();
    Document document = parsing.xml().document(xml);

    Parser<ObjectNode> parser = parsing.obj("/root/person")

    ObjectNode result = parser.apply(document);
    return result;

它将返回 Jackson ObjectNode,并带有以下json:

It will return a Jackson ObjectNode, with the following json:



或者,如果您有多个person,则可以让它返回 Jackson ArrayNode

Alternativly if you have multiple person, you can have it return a Jackson ArrayNode

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode;
import com.nerdforge.unxml.factory.ParsingFactory;
import com.nerdforge.unxml.parsers.Parser;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;

public class Parser {
  public ArrayNode parseXml(String xml){
    Parsing parsing = ParsingFactory.getInstance().create();
    Document document = parsing.xml().document(xml);

    Parser<ArrayNode> parser = parsing.arr("/root/person")

    ArrayNode result = parser.apply(document);
    return result;


This will create the following json for your input:


这篇关于转换XML => JSON =>基于XSD架构的XML的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-21 04:04