Is it possible update entity in database without modifying version of entity using hibernate?
Using my web application users can create or update entities. And where is another asynchronous process which "processes" these entities after any user operation. If user opens entity for update before entity is "processed", but tries to save it after it is "processed", user will get "OptimisticLockException" and all his entered data will be lost. But I would like to overwrite data updated in asynchronous process with user provided data.
代码片断来说明为什么我需要这种行为(JPA + Hibernate):
code snipet to demonstrate why I need such behaviour (JPA + Hibernate):
//user creates entity by filling form in web application
Entity entity = new Entity ();
entity.setValue("some value");
entity.setProcessed (false);
//but after short period of time user changes his mind and again opens entity for update
entity = em.find(Entity.class, entity.getId());
em.clear(); //em.clear just for test purposes
//another application asynchronously updates entities
List entities = em.createQuery(
"select e from Entity e where e.processed = false")
for (Object o: entities){
Entity entityDb = (Entity)o;
someTimeConsumingProcessingOfEntityFields(entityDb); //update lots of diferent entity fields
em.flush(); //version of all processed entities are incremented.
//Is it possible to prevent version increment?
//user modifies entity in web application and again press "save" button
em.merge(entity); //em.merge just for test purposes
entity.setValue("some other value");
entity.setProcessed (false);
em.flush(); //OptimisticLockException will occur.
//Is it possible to prevent this exception from happening?
//I would like to overwrite data updated in asynchronous process
//with user provided data.
@Table(name = "enities")
public class Entity implements Serializable {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Long id;
private int versionNum;
private String value
private boolean processed;
//… and so on (lots other properties)
In reality I have much more classes with similar problem - so I am looking for some elegant non intrusive solution.
It seems to me this is quite usual scenario. But I could not find any information how to achieve such functionality.
使用休眠 Session ( http://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/orm/5.0/javadocs/org/hibernate/Session.html ) replicate(...)方法.
Hibernate Optimistic Locking can be bypassed using hibernate Session (http://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/orm/5.0/javadocs/org/hibernate/Session.html) replicate(...) method.
Example of code which does not increment version:
//Detaching to prevent hibernate to spot dirty fields.
//Otherwise if entity exists in hibernate session replication will be skipped
//and on flush entity will be updated with version increment.
//Telling hibernate to save without any version modifications.
//Update hapends only if no newer version exists.
//Executes additional query DB to get current version of entity.
hibernateSession.replicate(entity, ReplicationMode.LATEST_VERSION);
I think this solution is better than native SQL update, because:
- 使用ORM映射(注释或* .hbm.xml)(无需在本地查询中重复Java对象<-> DB Tables映射);
- 无需手动执行刷新(性能);
- db和休眠缓存处于相同状态,无需从缓存(性能)中逐出实体;
- 并且您仍然拥有所有ORM提供的功能,例如乐观锁定等...;