For an application we need to keep the classname not minified because we use
var className = myObject.constructor.name;
export class myObject{ ... }
ng build -- pro
ng build -- pro
the class name gets minified in a random name.
Angular cli 在内部使用 webpack 和 uglify.一种解决方案是通过导出 webpack 配置来更改 uglify 中的选项.你可以通过运行 ng eject 和 ng eject --prod
Angular cli uses webpack and uglify internally. One solution would be changing the options in uglify by exporting the webpack configuration. You can see the webpack files by running ng eject, and ng eject --prod
new UglifyJsPlugin({
"mangle": false,
"compress": {
"screw_ie8": true,
"warnings": false
"sourceMap": false
Mangle = false 将保留类名.angular cli 中缺少 webpack 选项是一大讨论 atm.
Mangle = false will preserve class names. The lack of options for webpack in angular cli is one big discussion atm.
You can alse set exclusions like this:
mangle: {
except: ['foozah']
注意:弹出后,您可以从 angular-cli.json 中删除弹出的 true 以再次执行或正常服务/构建.
Note: after ejecting you can remove ejected true from angular-cli.json to do it again or serve/build normally.
"project": {
"name": "test",
"ejected": true //remove