

本文介绍了有没有办法停止SQL Express 2008从Idling?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我使用SQL Express 2008作为Web应用程序的后端,问题是Web应用程序在工作时间使用,因此有时在午餐或休息时间,当没有用户登录20分钟时间SQL Express将

I am using SQL Express 2008 as a backend for a web application, the problem is the web application is used during business hours so sometimes during lunch or break time when there is no users logged in for a 20 minute period SQL express will kick into idle mode and free its cache.



I am aware of this because it logs something like: Server resumed execution after being idle 9709 secondsor Starting up database 'xxxxxxx'in the event log


I would like to avoid this idle behavior, is there anyway to configure SQL express to stop idling or at least widen the time window to longer than 20mins. Or is my only option to write a service that polls the db every 15mins to keep it spooled up ?


After reading articles like this it doesn't look to promising but maybe there is a hack or registry setting someone knows about.



您必须实现一个方法来经常轮询数据库。此外,像您链接到的文章一样,将AUTO CLOSE属性设置为false。

You do have to implement a method to poll the database every so often. Also, like the article you linked to said, set the AUTO CLOSE property to false.

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