


I'm building a student schedule generator and I need a way of producing more than one solution. Is there some way to save off feasible scores or scores of Xhard/Ysoft?


I need to be able to output more than one potential schedule, that way the student will have a choice for one schedule over the other if for whatever reason they don't want the "best" schedule (maybe they don't like one of the professors, maybe they don't want an 8am class, whatever)


My original idea was to save off all feasible solutions using the bestSolutionChanged event listener. The problem with this, is that once it finds a 0hard/0soft score, it ignores all scores after that, including scores that are equal.


Ideally I'd like to save off all scores of 0hard/-3soft or better, but just being able to save any feasible scores or force optaplanner to look for a new best score would be useful as well.



This is not a solution, but an analysis of the problem:


Hacking the BestSolutionRecaller is obviously not just a big pain, it's also behaviour we don't want to encourage as it makes upgrading to newer version an even bigger pain. So don't expect us to solve this by adding an easy way to configure that in the solver config any time soon. That being said, a solution for this common problem is clearly needed.

找到新的最佳解决方案时,将从工作解决方案(OptaPlanner中的内部解决方案)中计划克隆(请参阅文档以获取定义).这使我们能够记住随着工作解决方案的变化而出现的最佳新解决方案.这也意味着BestSolutionChangedEvents获得了 plannng克隆,并且可以安全地将其发送到另一个线程,例如,将其封送给客户端(假定您创建的所有ProblemFactChange做副本而不是更改),而无需被修改工作解决方案的求解器线程破坏.

When a new best solution is found, it is planning cloned (see docs for definition) from the working solution (the internal solution in OptaPlanner). This allow us to remember that new best solution as the working solution solution changes. That also means the BestSolutionChangedEvents gets a plannng clone and can safely ship it to another thread, for example to marshal it to a client (presuming any ProblemFactChanges you create do copies instead of alterations), without being corrupted by the solver thread that modifies the working solution.

新的最佳解决方案暗示workingScore > bestScore.相反,当它执行workingScore >= bestScore时,我们需要更多的计划克隆(这会占用大量CPU),但是我们也可以为此而发送BestSolutionChangedEvents,如果且仅当启用了标志时当然,因为大多数用户(与您不同)不希望这种行为.

New best solution imply that workingScore > bestScore. The moment it instead does workingScore >= bestScore, we need far more planning clones (which are a bit CPU expensive), but we could then just send out BestSolutionChangedEvents for that too, if and only if a flag is enabled of course, because most users (unlike yourself) don't want this behaviour.


One proposal is to create a separate BestSolutionChangedOrSameEvent, next to the BestSolutionChangedEvent. This might not be ideal, because we need to be able to detect whether or not someone needs those extra planning clones.


Another proposal is to just have a flag in the <solver> config that switches from > to >= behavior for BestSolutionChangedEvent.


Please create a jira (see "get help" on webpage) and link it it here, or create a support ticket (also see "get help" on webpage).


08-21 03:06