

本文介绍了Spring Data mongo 中基于集合的多租户的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在 Spring Data mongodb 中启动一个多租户项目.阅读完这篇帖子后,收藏每个租户在 mongodb 中是一个相当不错的方法.

I am starting a MULTI-TENANT project in spring data mongodb.After reading this post, collection per tenant is a pretty decent approach in mongodb.

那么我如何在 Spring Data Mongo 中实现这一点?显然,没有提供开箱即用的解决方案,但我认为我可以通过覆盖确定集合名称方法来调整 MongoTemplate,但我认为它不是公共或受保护的方法.

So how can I achieve this in Spring Data Mongo? Apparently, There's no out-of-box solution provided, but I thought I could tweak MongoTemplate by overriding determineCollectionName method but I assume its not a public nor protected method for purpose.

但是,我通过扩展 SimpleMongoDbFactory 并使用 LocalThread 变量,按照提供的提示轻松设置每个租户的数据库 此处.

However, I set up database per tenant approach very easily by extending SimpleMongoDbFactory and using LocalThread variable by following the tips provided here.


  1. 有什么安全的方法可以覆盖集合和域类名称映射?ps:这应该在运行时发生,所以我认为@collection 注释根本没有帮助.
  2. 如果每个租户的收集是不可能的,那么采用多数据库方法会带来多少性能和资源损失?


您可以扩展 MappingMongoEntityInformation 以覆盖 getCollectionName().存储库操作对每个操作调用 getCollectionName().我假设tenantId 将是一个ThreadLocal

You could extend MappingMongoEntityInformation to override getCollectionName(). The repository operations call getCollectionName() on each operation. I'm assuming the tenantId would be a ThreadLocal

public class TenantThreadLocal extends ThreadLocal<String> {
    private final static TenantThreadLocal instance = new TenantThreadLocal();

    public static TenantThreadLocal instance() {
        return instance;


And the overridden class with the constructors omitted.

public class TenantMappingMongoEntityInformation<T, ID extends java.io.Serializable>  extends MappingMongoEntityInformation<T, ID> {

    public String getCollectionName() {
        return TenantThreadLocal.instance().get() + super.getCollectionName();


MongoPersistentEntity<YourObject> persistentEntity =

MongoEntityInformation<YourObject, ObjectId> mongoEntityInformation =
    new MappingMongoEntityInformation<YourObject, ObjectId>(persistentEntity);

CrudRepository<YourObject, ObjectId> repository =
    new SimpleMongoRepository<YourObject, ObjectId>(mongoEntityInformation, mongoOperations);

这篇关于Spring Data mongo 中基于集合的多租户的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-21 03:03