本文介绍了Firebase Analytics数据差异的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我们使用firebase analyitcs来监控我们的android应用程序。我们最近在8月6日发布了一个新版本的应用程序,并注意到仪表盘上显示的数据存在差异。数据来自 8月8日 8月10日




 无。活跃用户数=每日参与度/每位用户每日参与度= 17h 28m 51s / 5min 2s = 208.38 

总数会话数=每个用户的会话数x的活跃用户数= 1.4 x 208.38 = 291.733

参与/总计的会议= 3分35秒,但显示为6分40秒(检查截图)





We use firebase analyitcs for monitoring our android app. We recently released a new version of the app on August the 6th and noticed a disparity in the data being displayed on the dashboard. The data is from interval from 8th August to 10th August.

Data displayed:
Data (What it should be as per firebase definitions):

Assuming that the Daily engagement (which is defined as total engagement) and the daily engagement per user is correct

No. of active users = Daily engagement/ Daily engagement per user = 17h 28m 51s/ 5 min 2s = 208.38

Total no. of sessions = sessions per user x no. of active users= 1.4 x 208.38= 291.733

Session duration should be = Daily engagement/ Total no. of sessions= 3 min 35 sec but its shown as 6min 40 sec (check the screenshot)

Any help or explanation will be appreciated.


Analytics Dashboard Screenshot


By default, a session starts after at least 10s of user engagement (after a period of at least 30m of no user engagement). And so, whenever users use your app for a period of less than 10s, you will accrue user engagement without a session. This often occurs after launching a new version of your app, since users download it and open it for a short amount of time (sometimes inadvertently after the upgrade) before backgrounding it.

这篇关于Firebase Analytics数据差异的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-21 02:53